Chapter 6: Heartbreak.

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Becky went to her home and said to the babysitter she can go home, but Becky's a nice lass and she paid the babysitter for the whole night, they conversed for a while but then the babysitter left and Becky got some stuff together for Roux, once that was done she went into the baby's room to see Roux asleep in her crib, Becky carefully picked her up so she wouldn't wake and took her and the baby bag to her car, Becky put the bag in the boot and Roux in her carseat, Becky then got in the driver's seat and started the short journey back to Charlotte's... and it was this moment she realised it would have been easier to have Logan stay at her place, but she drove towards Charlotte's with the radio on low so she didn't wake her daughter...

After the short journey back to Charlotte's Becky got out her car and looked around the house to see the lights off... Becky thought this was weird but she just assumed Logan went to sleep already, Becky went to the boot and got the baby bag, then opened one of the passenger dors to see Roux awake and smiling.

Becky: You ready to spend the night with Uncle Logan?

Roux just let out a small giggle as Becky smiled and unbuckled the baby seat then picked her up and entered the house, she went into Charlotte's second guest room and laid Roux down on the bed and the youngster fell asleep nearly instantly, onc Becky unpacked a couple of their things she exited her room and went to Logan's and knocked the door.

Becky: Logan? You still up?

No answer... Becky knocks again.

Becky: Logan?...

Still no answer, so just to be safe Becky wanted to make sure he was Ok, so she opened to door to see an empty bed, Becky got a little worried and started to look around the house for Logan, she couldn't find him, but when she entered the Garage and saw that his helmet and bike were missing, that's when it dawned on her that Logan left...

Becky: Oh shit...

Becky then started to call everyone she knew to try and get there help as to where he might have gone...


Logan has been riding for about 16 hours now, he never stopped unless it was to refuel his bike, he knew where he was going and he is nearly there, as he drove down a dark road he was nearing his destination, till he came up on a ranch in the middle of Texas, Logan parked his bike and took of his helmet, he looked at the house and hopped the guy he wanted to see, still lived here.

Logan took off his helmet and got off his bike and approached the door to the house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, he waited for a second before a curtain Rattle Snake opened the door.

Logan: I remember.

Steve didn't need to ask questions, he knew that Logan was here for help and he more that happily wanted to give it to him, so he told Logan to come in and sit down, Steve grabbed a few beers and the two sat down to talk.

Steve: So, I've been getting calls from everyone... 

Logan: I know, but I just need to be ready...

Steve: What for?

Logan just sat there thinking about his answer, till he got it.

Logan: I lost 2 years of my life... and for what?... to be lied to by the women I thought loved me and to be pushed out by the company I gave so much time to.

Steve: They didn't push you Lo... You attacked Andrade.

Logan: Worth it.

There was a moment of silence till Steve spoke up again.

Steve: And Charlotte does love you... and you love her, she just made a mistake... and I know for a fact that you can't say that you never made a mistake.

 Obviously Steve was telling the truth, you never live life without mistakes... but Logan still needs to get back to who he is... or was.

Steve: Look get some rest... well start work tomorrow.

Logan just nodded and said.

Logan: Cue the Rocky theme.


The next morning Steve and Logan went through everything they are going to need to bring Logan back to who he was before... they plan his workout regime and his diet, but Steve wants Logan to do one more thing.

Steve: You need to see a therapist.

Logan: You what?

Logan asks with a chuckle.

Steve: You were in a coma for 2 years and you've been awake for a few weeks and all of your memorise came back in one blow... that can't be good for ya.

Logan just sighed as he had a point, and if Logan wanted to go back to the WWE and win what he was stolen from him 2 years ago then he needs to be at full strength, plus he doesn't want to be mentally messed up when he sees Charlotte again, so he agreed but before anything they had to come up with a way to tell everyone Logan's Ok, without telling them where he is.

Yes, Logan could tell them but they'll convince him to go home and Logan will crake and go back, but he needs to focus on getting stronger... mentally and physically, so Logan agreed and Steve came up with a way to tell everyone he's safe and without him being convinced to go home.

Steve: Ok, I'll tell Hunter and ask him to keep this a secret so he can tell everyone and nobody know where you are, except me, you and Hunter.

Logan: It's better then my idea.

Steve: What was your idea?

Logan: I didn't have one.

The two shared a laugh, but then got to work helping turn Logan back to the man he used to be...


(One Week Later)

Tonight is Monday night Raw and one week since anyone last seen Logan, all his friends were upset and worried about this thinking he still didn't have his memory back, but none were more upset then Charlotte, she loves Logan and in her mind he's out there in the world with no memory and all alone, but they were put to ease when Hunter came into the locker room to talk to the group of, Charlotte, Becky, Seth, Aj and Alexa.

Hunter: Ok, I've heard from Logan and he is Ok and trying to regain himself.

This caught everyone's attention but Hunter held his hand up asking everyone to not hound him with questions, and everyone did so Hunter continued.

Hunter: He has regained his memorise and will be coming back... but he doesn't know how long he will be gone. Also we want to start the storyline we wanted to do when he first arrived.

Aj: You mean where he helps Vince into retirement?

Hunter: Exatically, so Becky if you can try and come back as soon as you can then we can get you in the story as well, but if you need more time then that is 100% fine... now, get ready for the show.

Hunter then left as everyone smiled knowing that Logan is Ok and has his memories back, but Charlotte was worried.

Charlotte: What if he don't like me now? I took advantage of him... he's gonna hate me.

Everyone in the room basically called her silly for thinking that as Logan will forgive her... they think... but little do they know that Logan was currently in a therapy session telling the doctor everything, including his coma life...


(To Be Continued)

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