Chapter 7: Back and Better Than Ever.

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It's been six months since Logan and Steve started his training again and Logan has built himself back up, he has his muscles back and then some, Logan has trained hard to get back to the world he loves... and the person he loves, he thanked Steve for everything he's done for him and Logan stayed for a bite to eat, then he is going to head out on the road so he can make it to Monday night RAW in Orlando , but when he does, he's taking what he deserves...


Charlotte is getting ready for her promo for tonight as she lost the Raw women's title last night to Zelina Vega all because Andrade decided to get involved, she also had her mind on Logan for the past few weeks, most of their friends thought he wouldn't come back but Charlotte had a feeling he will and very soon, but she wasn't sure when as every time she would ask Hunter he would just say 'soon' so as Charlotte was getting ready as Alexa and Becky sat with Roux trying to teach her to walk, Hunter came in.

Hunter: Ladies...

Becky: Hey Hunter.

Hunter: Charlotte, your promo will be interrupted by Zelina and the new WWE Champion, Andrade.

This kinda confused them all as why would the WWE Champion interrupted the promo to the #1 contender for the Womens title, but before they could ask questions, Hunter left and left the girls confused by the plan.

Alexa: Why?...

Both girls shrugged at her and Charlotte sighed, thinking she had to deal with Andrade's stupidness once again... but little did they all know, their friend is in the building...

After a few matches and all this cool stuff the closing promo was Charlotte's sending Zelina a message about her getting the Raw women's title back... so as Alexa, Becky, Seth, Drew and Aj watched the finale part of RAW as Roux fell asleep in her carrier, Charlotte's music hit.

Charlotte did her usual entrance as Tom Phillips, Samoa Joe and Byron Saxton comentaded along with what is happening.

Phillips: And now we have the Queen of WWE, she is here to address Zelina Vega about her title lose last night at Fastlane.

Joe: That's right Tom, I even think she will revoke her rematch clause, as you can't have Wrestlemania without its Queen.

Charlotte got one of the camera guys to open the ropes for her as usual and she stepped in the ring and picked up the mic as her music started.

(Stop the vid)

Charlotte: Last night... I was cheated out of my title...

Before Charlotte could even get half of what she planned to say in the promo, Andrades music hit.

Andrade and Zelina did their little entrance as along the way they bragged about their titles and bad mouthed Charlotte, after their entrance they got a hold of a microphone each, then they started to talk.

(Stop the vid)

Zelina: Before you continue... you lost, plan and simple and if you think you will get another title shot... you are dead wrong.

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