Someone Please Take Over, I'm Begging Here

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I am short,
I wear shorts,
I am dumb,
Hey... At least I said I am.

Anyone got coffee?

No One's POV,

"We don't need you!"

"Yah, let's just expel him!"

"Yah then all Suzune has left is me! And she can use me however~ she liked!"

(A/N: You forgot Kouenji exists)

"That's a great idea! Gosh why didn't I think of it!"

"Cuz I thought of it first, idiot!"

"I agree. We can't have a friend who keeps secrets from us!"

"If he is gone, Hirata is mine!"


"Green hats no more guys! Get your green teas ready boys, we're partying tonight!"


They say party, but what comes to mind is like complete silence in a fancy place just sipping some tea. The real party is what happens after sipping the tea, cause if there is only boys there plus green tea increases sexual desires... Something is going to happen something the mind won't like to imagine.

The situation is bad. It is like the class vote exam but they only had one vote, and they had to say this their votes out loud, the worst part in the rules was you aren't given time to think on who to vote. What's bad is outside interference is not allowed, meaning points other than their own is not allowed, transferring of points is banned. The worst part is that our boy, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was the choice of being targeted of this exam.

(A/N: What did we expect? Can't be good plot if it not him, unless it with torture, then we can do anyone else)

Horikita won't bother helping cuz she useless in flipping the votes. Kushida is happy in this situation, she basically rules the outcome of this exam with the power of having simps watch her, while it would be considered disgusting, which for her it is, she will use this as the opportunity to control the votes.

Hirata sitting at his chair with his retarded followers or 'Hiratards' for short surrounding him. Admiring him struggling on what to do. Wow, didn't think they would be sadistic worshippers. I thought they'd be thinking on what to do to help him with his friends out of this exam.

"Then... Let's play a game~."

Ayanokouji is smiling? Which is shocking, but what was most shocking is this proposal he made. Why play a game when he knows his final weeks or days are near? He got a grin on his face, his style has changed, Gloomy atmosphere is gone, but he got an aura saying 'the devil has come to meet you'.

"Why should we play with you?"

"You're leaving soon anyways so we don't have to waste our time with you. Goodbye, student of Class 3-E."

"Wait. There's a Class E? Of course there is, it is the class for the unwanted, the expelled, or something worse than trash. The useless."

"Wait, so shouldn't you be there?"

"What do you mean? I'm very useful. I'm more useful than using dog poop as fertiliser."


"Disgusting?! You call me disgusting when you cant even when you cant fold a paper in half without using a guide!"

"That was one time!"

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