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As title says 'Shower',

I need help beating up someone people.
(Story-wise, not IRL)

I got an 'idea' (not punishment) for a few like Ike, Sotomura, Kush, Kei, Horikita, Hirata, Sudo

(more like I got an idea of why he should punish them but how I hurt them is different, I already got Ike, Horikita, Kush, Kei)

For these people; Satou, Mei-chan, I got more like a challenge for them not a punishment.

For; Kouenji, I have no idea lol. I don't want to beat him up. But if I have to do that I need like a valid reason to ignore him. (Imagine I use the continuation of the 3 parts of the 1st chap. If you haven't guessed , it was the pp size competition. I can't make a plot for that since it would literally be me copy pasting the Vol 8 part of the story.)

Give idea for the rest and names for the rest to fill up like a total of 36 students excluding Kiyo.

I ran out of coffee... ಠ_ಠ

Also title 'shower' I get more ideas in the shower. Weird things apparently happen in the shower... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

HalfbloodHatesLolis, please spare me... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I like your ideas but I don't think 'I' can fit it in plot. Only cuz I have no idea what I'm doin, but your ideas work very well in other fics.

That's all, then I start writing when I got an idea of what do. I gotta catch on on requirements, that's fun 🙃.

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