Chapter 4: A Slanted Baseball

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You know those days how you start with a bad news only to find out there's more bad news? Well, today is one of those days.

I awake to hear the flooding rain outside (So much for saying that it's going to be sunny all day, weather man.) along with a text from Seth stating that he has forgotten to tell me that he has a dentist appointment so he can't take me to school. Just as I am going to ask my dad for a ride, I find out that he has already left with Makenna. I can't ask my mom because I don't want to wake her up due to the fact that she had came home late at night, which means that I have to ride the bus today, and it happens to be three blocks away.

In the pouring rain.

Okay, I have an umbrella but you get my point. It doesn't help that my hair tends to become frizzy in the rain.

Oh well, I think. I'm just gonna tie my hair in a ponytail.

So I did.

I grab a cinnamon stick from the kitchen and dash outside after obtaining my umbrella. The rain, in my opinion, is pounding harder than it is since I have first woken up. Taking a deep breath, I open my umbrella and pratically gallop down the street, the burst of water crashing onto my red umbrella and my shoes.

Two blocks left.

I run harder. My precious new sneakers are now wet.

Shoot. I need to buy some rain boots.

One block left.

Ahead, I notice the familiar yellow bus that's stopping and waiting for other people. "Hey! Wait for me!" I scamper as fast as I possibly can. Perhaps it's the loud sound or the poor eyesight of the rain because the bus closes its door and turns to the left corner ahead of me. "Wait! Wait!" I dash as fast as I possibly can. No use; it goes on without me.

Why is the bad luck all happening to me? A few days ago, it was Chase Parker. Now it's this stupid rain.

Let's just hope that as I continue walking there will be a nice old lady passing by. Then she will offer me a ride. I sigh disappointedly and proceed to sprint down the sidewalk.

Oh well, my imagination isn't coming true, so I might as well just walk to school.

I walk for about five minutes before I hear a car stopping beside me, and I've never been happier for the sound of cars. The window rolls down, and I begin to grin like a child who's eating cotton candy, (Yes! The old lady is asking if I want a ride.) but my grin soon disappears the second I see who it is.

"Need a ride, sugar cane?" Chase yells in the rain, smirking.

I narrow my eyes at him, aggravated already.

Is that all he can do? Wink and smirk?

"No," I reply hotly and continue to run down the block.

His silver Honda catches up toward me, and he asks me once more, "Are you sure you don't need a ride?"

Just get in the car! It's freezing in this rain!

"I'm positive," I repeat, "Just go!"

"Okay, but if you get a cold, don't blame me." He rolls up the window and drives away, leaving me alone in the cold, bitter rain.

Stupid, why didn't you get in?!

Puffing out a breath, I run as fast I can, not bothering checking the ticking time as I cling onto my hoodie in order to stop the feeling of the harsh freezing air this is surrounding me.

It All Began With A Song [Editing]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon