Chapter 14: Valentines Dance [Part 1/2]

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Ever since my freshman year, it's been a daily routine to flirt with girls endlessly and then "play with their hearts." As evil as it sounds, it's my revenge. You can't get too attached or attracted to a girl; it's dangerous. So when a girl stands in front me the moment I enter the pink and red themed gym building and ask me for a dance, it surprise -- no, frighten -- me that I have lost the urge to flirt with her. Never mind the fact that I have rejected her; that is fairly common, but I never lose the temptation to flirt with a girl.


What's going on? This was never supposed to happen.

"Did you just declined that girl's offer?" Jaxson restates my thoughts as we sit down on one of the unoccupied chairs in front of the circular tables, far away from the dance floor.

I cover my face with my hands, as if it'll loosen up the confusion, "Yes. Don't even ask me why because I have no clue..." I trail off, trying my best to get rid of the feelings. Meanwhile, Jaxson is busily tapping his foot on the ground, trying to match the beat to the rap music that's playing in the room.

"You, Chase Parker, have a crush on someone, and I think I know who it is. Who's that girl's name again? Bethany!" He narrows his eyes, "Wait... Not her... N... N... Natalie! Yes! This time I can make fun of you instead of you making fun of me for liking a girl!" He lifts his arms up with his fists clenched, showing triumph.

Too bad Jaxson. It hasn't happened.


Oh shut up, will you?

Pursing my lips, I state shortly, "I don't like her." I'm being honest, really. Natalie is funny and amusing, but that's it. Maybe she can be cute at times, but...

No. Delete that thought. She's just funny.

A cute kind of funny....

Shut up, freaking mind.

"Whatever you say, man. Wait till you admit to me that you like her. I know you do," he clicks his tongue rather blatantly, and then attempts to speak in a girl's voice, over exaggerating each word, "Oh my gosh, Chase Parker likes someone."

"Continue to wait because I'm never going to like her, and please don't speak in that voice again. You sound exactly like those gossip girls."

As if on cue, I see Natalie approaching inside the gym (The area we are currently sitting at happens to be a few feet near the doors of the gym and the refreshment table), walking behind her friend Seth Carter and another girl dressed in a pink and lavender dress. Natalie is wearing a coral sleeveless dress, and she's looking at the ground, as if she doesn't want anyone to see her, but base on what I'm guessing, she's not trying to avoid attention. She is probably muttering under her breath how she regrets that she's coming to a "boring dance just to help her friends when she could be at home watching The Vampire Diaries." (The only reason I know this is because I've asked her a few days ago whether she's coming to the dance or not, and she've told me the whole reason why she's coming. Miss Matchmaker, I'd called her.)

Following my gaze, Jaxson rises up and straightens his bow, "Go ahead and talk to her. I'm going to go dance with Lauren." With that, he gives me a thumbs-up sign for "good luck" and head to the dance floor, beginning his mission to talk and dance with his girlfriend.

Why would I need good luck?

I'm just going to talk to her, not propose to her, Jaxson.

I roll my eyes and also standup, going to where Natalie is located, which is at the refreshment table. The good thing about the dance is that mostly everyone's at the dance floor, and there's only a few people at the refreshment table and other places, so it doesn't take long for me to get there. Her two friends are nowhere in sight, and she's grabbing a cupcake, shoving it in her mouth.

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