Chapter 17: Kidnapped... Sorta?

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I don't know if I should feel annoyed, shocked, or just simply elated by Seth's call on a Friday morning at five am announcing that he won't be able to take me to school today.

The reason?

He's bringing chocolate chip cookies and coffee (from McDonald's) to Zoe, who's sick with a cold but still has to go to school due to her insistent parents.

Since her house is about thirty minutes away, and her bus comes by her house at seven am, it's not surprising that Seth has to wake up extra early so that he can give the breakfast to her on time before she gets on the bus. As crazy as the plan sounds, I kinda know why Seth would do that for three main reasons.

One: When you give a sick girl sweets in the morning, it makes her day start so much better, which equals bonus points for you.

Two: A few days ago, Zoe tells me that there's a guy in her school that has asked her out, but she still hasn't replied to him yet. I guess Seth's afraid of her agreeing, so he finally decides to take a step ahead in the game.

Three: Zoe loves cookies, especially chocolate chips.

As for the reason for the mixture of feelings will have to be that:

A.) He wakes me up an hour earlier than I normally wake up.

B.) His sudden change of behavior is pretty unusual.

C.) He's finally gotten over his shy self!

Thus, this will explain why I'm standing in the parking lot of my school, thanking my dad for the gracious ride and saying good-bye to Makenna. As I head my way down the blue locker hallway towards the vending machine (I really need to buy a coke bottle so that I won't fall asleep in Algebra 2 today.), I feel a presence behind me.

"Good morning Chase," I call out, smiling slightly because I know what he is going to say next, "Yes, I'm going to have pancakes for lunch today, and no, you may not have it."

"So good morning Parker huh? No good morning Alex?"

I instantly freeze to the spot, scared of what he will do this time. Luckily, there's a teacher around the corner, so he can't do anything to me. Plus, students are just beginning to walk down the hallway.

Whew, you're safe Natalie.

"What do you want?" I ask cautiously and tighten my fists in my jacket pockets, back still turned to him.

You can do this, Natalie. It's just a jerky guy that you used to like.

I feel him move, and when I glance up, he's towering in front of me. He then lowers his height so that we are looking eye to eye. For a while, we just stare silently at each other, each with different expressions on our faces; I am glaring at him, whilst he is smirking evilly at me, amused. If it's not because of the stares we are receiving from students walking toward us, we probably would've stared at each other for an hour, and I might just punch him mentally.

"What do you want?" I repeat myself, already wanting this conversation that hasn't even started yet to end.

"What do I want?" he chuckles coldly, seeming to be astonished by my normal question, "Oh, Natalie, you humor me."

"If you came here just to laugh at me, then I'm sorry to tell you that I'm probably the wrong person to be laughing at."

At this point, I feel as if I'm firing sharp needles out of my mouth. The one thing I hate is people laughing like I'm a stupid and a foolish person.

"Feisty, I see. How was your talk with Katelyn?"


She shakes her head, "I'm just here to visit my aunt and uncle." Then, in a softer voice and sad tone, she continues, "And to see him."

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