Chapter 10: Chase's High Pitched Singing

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Thanks @wheres_mah_cookie for the cover above! I love how you added the quote! :D

I used to have a problem with annoying players; now, I have a new problem with annoying players that won't quit apologizing. Ever since the drive to my house began, Chase has been rambling to himself how sorry he is and how annoying Delilah Wilson is. The angry feeling is long gone and is replaced with a confused (I thought guys like Chase don't apologize to girls) and very annoyed ( He just won't shut up.) feelings. Even now, when he pulls in the driveway of my house, his mouth hasn't sealed one bit yet. ( His talking is somehow like those popular girls in school that gossiped non-stop.)

I clench my fists.

Count to ten, Natalie.

One, two, three....

"I wasn't think -- "

"Oh my goodness! Will you please shut up for one freaking minute and let me get into my house in peace?!" I cry out loud in a desperate attempt, and he stares at me surprisingly, as if he has just realized that I've been hearing what he has been saying for the last agonizing six minutes.

Again, he scratches the back of neck, smiling sheepishly, "Okay, sorry -- "

I don't hear the rest because I'm already out of the car. The last thing I want to hear are his apologies. After all, you can't just say you're sorry for what you did. One simple sorry won't change how you used me to get rid of your ex. Running up the porch steps, I turn around to see that his car is already gone. He probably has given up his plan to apologize, though I don't know if I should feel happy or disappointed about that.

Without even knocking the door, it bursts open with a dishwater blonde hair girl yelling excitedly at me, "Was it the Chase Parker Seth told me about?!" When I don't answer, she inquires me again, "Is he hot, Nat? Hello? Are you listening to me?"

"Zoe? Why... how? I'm confused."

The presence of seeing your best friend standing in front of you after not seeing her for almost a month (Zoe goes to a different school because of where she lived.) is clearly shocking to me.

She squeals, "Ohmygosh. You have to tell me everything about this!" She pulls me into an embrace, "Why am I here? Sleepover. How did I know? Seth told me about the challenge, duh! You're confused? Let's watch a movie!"

Yes, my friend is random, but that's why we're friends.

+ + +

"You know, if I was Voila, I would've just kiss Duke while he's sleeping 'cause that's the whole point of having a hot guy as your roommate," Zoe comments as she takes out another Doritos from her bag.

It's currently nine o'clock at night, and we are currently lying with our arms propped up on our chin on the rug of my room, watching She's The Man from my laptop, along with stuffing potato chips in our mouths. Before, I have told her about everything that happened ever since last month, starting with the challenge, Chase Parker, and the incident at McDonald's.

"Not really though. I would much rather prefer to watch a cute guy sleep than kissing him, even if it's Channing Tatum," I sit up, grab my phone out, and yell out loud when I saw the lock screen, "What the heck?!"

In the screen is Chase grinning cheekily and pointing his thumb at me in the background, (You can't really see my face very well, other than my hair that is covering my face.) and I happen to be sleeping at that time. At that moment, I also remember that I'm still wearing his red sweater, "Oh my waffles! My shirt! This stupid brain!"

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