Chapter 1

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She landed all four hooves and threw her head, knocking her opponent onto the ground. The stallion quickly rose and eyed her angrily.

"You can't keep them from me forever!" he bellowed.

The palomino tossed her silver mane. Her deep golden coat shivered at the threat, but she was hardly taken aback.

"These are our running grounds! Any mare who wishes can join and be rid of heartless stallions like you!" Crimson Song said.

The bay stallion snorted loudly and flattened his ears in anger. He was about to attack again, but the palomino kicked him hard in the chest.

Crimson Song galloped off to the safety of the trees. Her heart pounded and her head spun. That was far too close, and the danger had not ended yet.

Crimson Song lifted her delicate golden head and then snorted. The other young mares gathered around her.

"How are we going to stay away from them?" one little black mare asked.

Crimson Song slammed a hoof into the ground. "Those stallions will not touch even one of us! I will not allow it! We will get through the same as other times before."

A flea-bitten grey shook her head, sending her white mane over one large eye. "Crim, you are injured! There is no way you can fight!"

"I will protect everyone," Crimson Song asserted, though doubt swarmed her mind. She set her ears back and placed a cold expression in her eyes. Her left hindquarters had taken a beating from that stallion, but she had managed to ward him off.

Crimson Song reminded herself as to why she fought. She was only one of three mares in the district with such knowledge and ability, and all of them were standing together. They had to keep the run-away mares free from their previous stallions. It was rare to find a respectable stallion, and Crimson Song doubted that there were any. Although most of them hoped to find a new, happy home, she had to wonder how many of them would find the joy they desired.

The pain in her hindquarters nearly crippled her. Crimson Song set her jaw hard and continued scanning the area. She waited patiently as the other mares and foals huddled closer. There were several young horses, both fillies and colts that also needed her protection. She could not leave them to suffer in abusive herds. Her goal in life had been to provide safety for those who craved a life of freedom.

The flea-bitten grey mare snorted softly. "We can only hold off the stallions for so long. They aren't going to let up until they reclaim their families, and there are simply too many of them to protect. Now you are hurt!"

Crimson Song glowered at her companion. "I am not giving up! They face dire consequences, and I will not leave them alone to suffer for it. We made this pact two years ago! Are you going to back out on me now, Nagissa?"

The grey shook her head and released a heavy snort with her ears back. "You know that I'm behind you, Crim, but I do want us to be realistic."

A little black mare approached. There was a long white drizzle down her face and a white sock covered her front right leg. Her soft voice lifted. "Crimson Song, there is another group of stallions headed from the west. They are desperate enough to work together. What should we do?"

The palomino mare tossed her white forelock out of her eyes and flipped her mane to the right side of her neck. She pinned her eyes on Nagissa. "I want you and Night Lily to hold them off as long as possible."

Nagissa flattened her ears. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm leading everyone to the summer mountain early. The stallions can't leave their herds down here forever and they won't follow if they know that food is scarce."

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