Chapter 5

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Crimson woke with a start. A stick cracked nearby. She opened her eyes and scanned the area. Darkness had fallen. She lifted her muzzle and deeply sniffed the air. No strange smells met her. Only her herd and forest with a hint of the stream met her nostrils.

"Lily, did you hear that?" Crimson whispered into the night.

A groan met her ears, but there was no direct reply. Crimson Song took a step forward. Her leg nearly gave out. She sent her ears back and snorted in disgust.

Danger was always present around a herd of wild horses. Crimson knew that there were no exceptions. Even the strongest had to fight.

Gathering her courage, Crimson Song took another step. The pain in her leg did not increase as she wandered into the forest, but it did not dissipate either.

The wind had died down significantly, and it was possible to hear many things one normally could not. Crimson flicked her ears forward and back, trying to locate any signs of danger.

Crimson let out a yawn. She was exhausted. The job of a herd leader never ended. She wondered how some of the other, lazy stallions got along.

Another crack echoed through the trees. Crimson aimed her attention to the west. There was no doubt it was something, although she could not yet tell what it was.

Inching her way forward, Crimson focused all of her energy on the task before her. She had to make sure everyone was safe.

Now using all of her senses, Crimson crept through the forest. She moved downwind of the herd so that she would be able to pick up on the scents around them. She nearly gasped when she detected the blue roan stallion only a few paces above them.

Fury engulfed her as she made her way through the herd. She weaved around the horses until her nostrils had pin pointed the stallion.

When Crimson could see his outline, he turned to her and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Who do you think you are?" She slammed her good hoof into the ground and set her ears back. She tossed her mane onto the right side of her neck.

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure you were alright," he answered.

Crimson glared at him with all the venom she could muster. "Why would you want to look after us?"

The stallion threw his head and wheeled around. At first Crimson was sure that he was taking off, but then she picked up on the movement behind them as well. A cougar was lying in wait, and it probably had its eyes set on the injured palomino.

The stallion brought it out of hiding with a mighty rear. The cougar leapt up at him, but he spun out of the way and administered a shocking kick.

Crimson Song prepared herself as the cougar headed straight for her. She threw her good hoof down and turned to kick out with her hind legs. She pegged the cougar.

Stunned that it could not get her easily, the cougar took off into the forest. Crimson snorted boldly and tossed her head.

The stallion laughed. "I can't believe you did that!"

She aimed her eyes like daggers straight at him. "You didn't leave me with much choice. Some protector you are!"

The blue roan cupped his ears in her direction. There was a content look in his eyes despite Crimson's fuming anger.

Their conversation had been more extensive than Crimson had ever had with another stallion. She could not read him as she could the others, and his mysterious eyes held no malicious motive that she was excellent at detecting. His eyes were locked on hers. No male had ever taken the time to make eye contact.

"What's your name?" Crimson Song asked.

The stallion's ears perked up instantly. "I'm Streaking Wind!"

Crimson set her ears back and snorted. "What kind of a name is that?"

Streaking Wind swung his head to avoid looking at her. "It actually means that I'm fast and am good at what I do!"

Crimson had no idea what to think of this strange stallion. She was still sure that he was up to no good. Her head rose as she reminded herself of the one truth: stallions were never to be trusted.

Raising her head high, Crimson Song cleared her throat. "You've seen what I am capable of, and so there is no need for you to stick around any longer!"

Streaking Wind inspected her carefully, now appearing completely confused. He backed up a few steps and then bowed his head at her. He started off through the trees, and then halted. His neck bent back in her direction.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Crimson Song!"

He knew her name! Crimson nearly lashed out at him, but she managed to hold her tongue. Her mind began to spin as he was once again stolen from her sight.

Nagissa appeared beside the palomino with a gentle angle of her ears. "You seem to have an admirer."

Crimson Song lifted her head and tossed her mane to the right side of her neck. "Get some rest, Nagissa. We leave for Folick Mountain first thing in the morning!" She left her friend and once again settled down for a night's sleep.

There were too many stallions in Crimson's life that had proven that they were not to be trusted. All of the runaway mares in her herd could testify to that as well. There were no respectable stallions. They did not exist.

A heavy weight landed upon Crimson Song as she contemplated her life. She could not possibly save every hurting horse, but she would sure devote her life to trying!

Crimson closed her eyes and drifted into a light sleep. By the time the sun rose, she felt like she was prepared for anything.

Gently setting weight on her leg, Crimson realized that it was slowly getting better. She flicked her ears forward and smiled at the horses around her who slowly woke up.

A little black filly raced up to Crimson and gave a playful buck. "I can't wait to see the mountain!"

Crimson lowered her muzzle and ruffled the little horse's soft mane. "Don't get too carried away, Tamika."

The filly nodded obediently. "Do you think I'll find a good home when I am older?"

The truth was that Crimson Song no longer believed in happy traditional herds with stallions. She had learned that the hard way. Giving this foal false hope could prove to be devastating, but no hope at all could crush the little horse.

"Perhaps somewhere out there is a horse worthy of your golden heart," Crimson answered honestly. "Tamika, you are a beautiful little filly. Don't settle for anyone who does not treat you, or your friends with respect!"

The filly whinnied with laughter and pranced around the herd. Her large brown eyes were full of life. Crimson Song dared to allow herself to hope for Tamika. She hoped that every horse would find happiness.

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