Chapter 14

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"She was taken under my watch?" Crimson was barely able to squeak out the words that nearly killed her.

Nagissa nodded sadly. "You have no idea how the guilt ate at her. We both knew how protective you are, and so we never told you. We were afraid you would do something irrational."

"Who was the stallion?!" Crimson asked.

Nagissa sighed and lowered a shaking head. "That's exactly why we never told you! Calm down! Nothing else happened to her."

Crimson swallowed and allowed the news to sink in. She had failed. That was all there was to it. She could not protect those who meant the most to her.

Nagissa's eyes were soft. "The reason I am telling you this is because I think Streaking Wind does the same work as you. You both work to give mares a clean start."

Crimson stood in silence. Her heart was thumping gently along to a few birds who emerged from over the mountains. She dropped her jaw, but there was nothing to say.

Nagissa leaned forward and nuzzled the palomino on the shoulder. Crimson leaned into it. As she did, one thing rang in her mind. She had to apologize to Night Lily and thank Rush.

The two mares parted as the last cloud in the sky blew away. Crimson splashed her mane onto the right side of her neck and tilted her ears forward. She left the comforting patch with Nagissa and went to seek out Rushing Wind.

He was standing at the entrance with his ears and eyes trained on the other side. Crimson followed his gaze and used all of her senses. There was nothing there.

"Are you alright?" Crimson asked.

The blue roan stallion spun around suddenly. His eyes were rolled to reveal the whites.

"What's wrong?" Crimson asked. She had never seen him look this fearful.

Rush shook his head and closed his eyes. The gentle look returned, and his body relaxed. "It's nothing. I'm only remembering something that happened a long time ago."

Crimson Song took a step forward. "Well, whatever it was, it scared you silly!"

Wind snorted loudly. He looked away. "I'm fine. Is everyone alright after the storm?"

Nodding, the palomino gave him a concerned frown. "I wanted to apologize for treating you the way I did. What you're doing is good, and I've got your back."

The admiration in his eyes swelled and seemed to radiate straight into Crimson's hide. She soaked it in for a moment until her better judgement kicked in and she wheeled around to avoid further conversation.

"Song," he shouted after her.

Crimson debated stopping. Her heart began to pound. She sighed deeply and put the gruffness back into her voice. "What do you want?"

"We should go tomorrow morning."

Crimson raised her eyes to his once more. He seemed desperate to keep her there. "We will follow, but we are keeping the reason for moving a secret. I won't have their hopes raised to crush their spirits for good!"

Rushing Wind gave a chuckle. He nodded slowly. "When will you see that I am trustworthy?"

Crimson Song flattened her ears. She raced through her mind. She had no idea. Even after all he had done, and all he had said, she still could not bring herself to drop her guard. Those conflicting emotions soon returned. If he could not be trusted, why was she drawn to his side in times of trouble?

"You don't have to answer if it is that hard of a question, Song." Wind lowered his head, but there was frustration locked in his eyes.

Crimson Song glared up at him. "Please leave me alone. I'll talk to you tomorrow when we leave."  Her pleading tone revealed a quiver that Crimson did not like, but she could not change it.

Crimson stomped off out of the valley. The peaceful air swirled around her. A thought entered her mind. She would be leaving her plateau. Her chest began to tighten. She couldn't leave it for good.

Turning, Crimson sucked in a deep breath. She had to see it at least one more time. Her eyes were drawn back to the hidden valley behind her. The mares would be fine with Night Lily and Nagissa. No doubt Rushing Wind would help protect them as well.

With the sky as blue as it was becoming, it would be a waste to hide in the valley. Crimson Song picked up her front hooves and rocked into an easy canter. She sped up until she was sprinting at a full out gallop. All of her troubles left along with the wind.

Crimson raced onto her plateau. Shock filled her. The storm from the other night coupled with the recent one had torn up the ground and left mud gushing out on one side.

Her heart began to crack. Crimson Song felt as though she could hardly breathe. This could not be happening. Her beloved land had become desolate.

"I knew you would come here eventually, a voice said.

Crimson turned to come face to face with Tacoma. Her discontentment blew into hot anger and protection.  "What do you want?"

Tacoma maintained a daunting stare. "I heard once that this land belonged to your mother."

The palomino's eyes lit with fire. "How did you hear that?"

He ignored her question. "It was said that when the stallions troubled her too much she would come here in solace no matter what the season. She often brought a little filly along with her."

"It doesn't matter what the reasons were," Crimson growled. Her heart began to ache. No one knew that!  The only one who did were the horses in her herd three years ago, and Rushing Wind.

Her blood ran cold at the realization. She stared at Tacoma with disbelief.

"I can see it in your eyes. You figured us out. That's right!  Wind and I struck a deal!  I am taking my mares, and he gets you!"

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