Chapter 13

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The storm hit with such fury that all of the horses were pressed together in a huddle. The warmth went through their bodies, all of them sharing as the wind slashed at the outer edges of the herd. Rain pelted their heads and backs like a thousand stinging bees.

Crimson raised her glossy eyes to Rushing Wind. His warm body was placed protectively against hers. She wondered why he even cared. She had been nothing but rude to him.

He had appeared in the darkness without being asked, and had even offered to make the mares happy. Crimson sighed into the wind. The whole reason she started a protective herd was to keep horses happy and give them a chance at a decent life.

Lightning zig zagged through the sky, and an earth shaking roll of thunder followed almost immediately after. Crimson Song jumped, even though she had no idea why. She had been through much more dangerous situations than this.

Minutes ticked by that felt like hours. Crimson stood in silence, feeling Rushing Wind's heavy breaths rise and fall.

A tree crashed to the ground in the distance. A few of the mares flinched. The sound echoed with a depressing reality. Their lives would be in danger if they did not sick together and seek shelter.

Crimson shuddered, and Wind pressed closer. He was the one who had brought them to the hidden valley. Horses everywhere had sought such a place.

Things had been stressful, but far less dangerous with Wind around. When he agreed with her decisions, no one in the herd questioned her.

Her mother had adored him. Perhaps she could give him a chance, but then she shook her head. She had to get rid of him! The conflicting emotions regarding him were too much to handle.

Rushing Wind shifted his weight towards one of the other mares ahead. Now he was out of earshot, and he had taken his protective warmth with him.

Crimson leaned in against Night Lily. The wind howled mercilessly at their backs. For a moment Crimson wonderd how much more of the cold she could take, but then the black mare gave her an encouraging smile. Of course. Everything Crimson did was for them and their benefit. The mares and foals in her herd were worth every bit of pain and discomfort.

Night Lily stretched her head around so that Crimson could hear her. "What happened between you and Wind?"

Crimson's ears flicked back, but she was hardly angry. She could not blame her friends for being curious. For once she could open her heart and speak of the problems that plagued her.

"It seems that he was a colt in my herd a long time ago. Three years ago I watched him fall into a raging river. My mother died saving him, but until today, I thought they both died."

Night Lily was surprisingly quiet. Her rhythmic heartbeats melted into Crimson's side.

"It seems that he has been searching for me for a while, and now he wants to take us all up north where the stallions are apparently respectable and kind." Crimson let out a shaky sigh.

The black mare pressed closer against Crimson. "I saw Tacoma outside of the valley. He knows where we are, and he is not the kind of stallion to back off and give up. It might not be a bad idea to follow your friend. The mares need some hope of a good life."

Crimson snorted. "He's not my friend!"

"We can trust him, Crimson Song!" Night Lily shouted.

All of the mares turned their heads. All of the muscles in Crimson's body tensed. Her head began to pound.

"How can you tell if we can trust him or not?" She lowered her voice but said it loud enough so that Night Lily could hear her over the howling wind.

The black mare tensed beside her. "Everyone but you can tell that he's different. He treats us all with respect. He saved Jack's life and has stuck around to protect us even though you treat him like a foal!"

Crimson lowered her head and listened to the sound of Night Lily's heartbeat.

"What do you know about him?" Crimson said. She glared up at the stallion. He was unaware of their conversations, and she was definitely thankful.

Night Lily hesitated. She turned her head, and her heart pounded even harder against Crimson's side. The palomino flattened her ears even tighter and locked her hooves against the cold, soggy ground. Her best friend was hiding something.

After waiting in silence all night long, the herd was more than excited to get out of their formation and stretch their legs.

A ray of sunshine splashed into the hidden valley, creating a rainbow.  Crimson Song nuzzled a few of the fillies and allowed them to prance around her.

Jack galloped headlong across the valley and wheeled around. He bolted straight to the palomino and slammed into her side.

"How many times do I have to tell you be careful!" Crimson said. Her tone was clipped even though she tried to soften it.  A night in the cold was taking its toll on her.

Rushing Wind headed to the entrance of the valley and began patrolling. Crimson watched him for a while before returning her attention to all of the horses.

A few of the young mares laughed with each other. The sun sparkled on their hides. All of them seemed genuinely content with life.

Crimson pulled her lips tight. They could leave her. She dreaded the thought. All of them had become her family. Even the newest additions had woven their way into her heart, and she would do anything for them, but Crimson wondered if that meant that she had to give them up.

Night Lily insisted that Wind could be trusted, but Crimson was not as sure. She had seen his rebellious ways in their past. She knew as well as anyone that he was not perfect.

As if in contradiction to her thoughts, Wind gently took one of the fillies and ruffled her fuzzy mane. All of the horses surrounded him, their body language becoming more relaxed.

Crimson Song had to wish that she were a stallion. The thought oddly surprised her. A stallion really did have a special way of dealing with things, but Crimson quickly put those thoughts out of her mind. She could protect the herd on her own, and keep everyone happy.

Crimson lifted her sore leg. It was a bit stiff after the rain, but it had mostly healed. Good. She could get back to business as usual and drive away any threats.

Nagissa slipped in beside Crimson and lowered her head. "I heard your conversation with Lily. Don't be so hard on her. She has a history like yours."

Crimson blew through her lips and lifted a hoof. "You know what happened to her, don't you?"

Tilting her head, Nagissa set her ears curiously forward. "I know a little, but she is as reluctant to talk about it as you are."

Crimson snorted. "I can talk about my past!"

Nagissa leaned in close. Her warm breath washed Crimson's  face. "Can you respect other's pasts?"

Crimson hesitated. "O-of course!"

"Then what happened between Wind and Night Lily two years ago must be kept quiet."

Crimson's ears tipped forward instead of back. There was history between the two of them?  She would have never guessed.

"Wait, she was part of our herd! How could Night Lily have met Wind?"

Nagissa let out a sorrowful sigh. Her eyes flooded with tears. "She was taken by a stallion, Crim, protecting the herd. If it was not for Wind's kindness, she would have been killed by horses or predators. We both vowed not to tell you because he said that he knew you from his past."

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