Chapter 7

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The mountain was barren except for the two herds of horses. Trees dotted the area and streams were abundant. Crimson Song supposed that any horse would fight for their home, but now she was fighting for her very life and the lives of her friends.

Tacoma was completely ruthless as he slashed in her direction with a mighty hoof. Crimson managed to dodge. She was more than thankful that her hind leg was already starting to feel better. She felt like she could actually keep up and do something.

The three mares worked together with expert skill. It was not the first time they had to protect one another. They had gone against strong stallions many times before, although none had been quite this unforgiving.

Black hide flashed through Crimson Song's vision. He was fast! Tacoma swept passed her and flattened Night Lily. The little black mare struggled to rise.

"How dare you!" Crimson growled as she sent out a mighty kick.

The stallion narrowly avoided her as he leapt back. She went on the offensive again. Anger swirled within her. She had to protect her friends, and her herd.

Tacoma avoided Crimson and went to take down Nagissa. The flea-bitten grey defended with expertise until he pushed her back against a bolder and sent her onto the ground.

Crimson could hardly believe her eyes. What was wrong with her? She was not protecting anybody! Desperation swept through her, and before Crimson knew it, she was once again battling the huge black horse.

"That's all it takes to send you off the edge?" Tacoma said. "All I have to do to defeat you is threaten your little friends!"

Crimson backed off for a second. Those words awoke her to reality. She knew all too well that a horse who has lost their cool was easy to beat. She had to gain control of her emotions.

Tacoma waited for Crimson Song to attack once more. His eyes were mocking as she swung in his direction. They threw hooves and bites at one another, but neither horse landed a hit. Crimson knew what was at stake. Failure was not an option.

Night Lily struggled to her hooves and went to stand behind Crimson Song. Nagissa slowly did the same. The three of them stared down Tacoma as he inspected them all.

"You both should have stayed down," Tacoma said.

"We aren't about to roll over and let you have your way," Nagissa replied.

Night Lily tossed her forelock out of her eyes. "We are stronger than you think!"

The big black stallion quivered in response. He snorted heavily and flattened his ears tighter. His tail lifted along with his head. Crimson could read his body language easily. There was no way he was going to back down.

All of a sudden there was a rumble from behind the mares. They turned to see what was going on. Crimson hoped that no one else was disturbing the herd.

An image of deep-blue thundered through the plateau. Streaking Wind snaked his head through Tacoma's herd, pushing them into the distance.

Tacoma gasped and stomped a hoof into the dirt. "What does that idiot think he's doing?"

Crimson could hardly believe her eyes. She was thankful for his indirect interference, but stealing an entire herd took a lot of guts.

"It's our mystery stallion," Nagissa said.

Tacoma threw his head with anger and glared at the mares. "We aren't done, Crimson Song. I'll get my mares back!"
With those words, Tacoma galloped passed them in pursuit of his herd.

Crimson Song breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at the two mares beside her. They were obviously in a lot of pain. "Are you guys alright?"

Nagissa set her ears back. "He's a lot tougher than any other stallion we have fought."

Night Lily nodded in agreement. "I couldn't believe how fast he was. There was no way to stop his momentum!"

Crimson Song stood still in astonishment. It certainly would have been difficult to beat the black stallion. If he had not run off, they most likely would have all been injured protecting the herd.

"What should we do?" Nagissa asked. "Tacoma is going to keep attacking until he gets his mares!"

Crimson flattened her ears and snorted definitively. "They are not his mares! They have their own minds and can do whatever they want!"

The other mares bowed their heads in remembrance. Of course they all knew that. After all, none of them were no longer trapped in an abusive herd.

"We should tell them how much danger they are in," Night Lily said. Her head was still low.

Crimson wanted to shake her head. The more hope the herd had, the better chances there were for survival, but she knew her friend was right. Informing the herd of the dangers was more important than ever. They all would have to keep vigilant eyes on their surroundings.

"Let's get everyone to the plateau first," Crimson said.

The palomino helped her injured friends to the rest of the herd. Her eyes grew glossy. It was her fault that they were injured.

The mares all gathered around with concern written on their expressions. Crimson nuzzled a few of the young ones and reassured the older mares. Her body language softened as she inspected them all. They had become most precious to her.

"Are we going to have to go back to him?" one of Tacoma's former mares asked.

Crimson flipped her mane to the right side of her neck and put a hoof to the ground. "There is no way we are handing any of you over! It is going to be tricky to keep you all safe, though," Crimson said. "We need all of you to be on the lookout and take turns training with us so that we can protect one another!"

The mares nodded with determination. Sighs of relief echoed through their bodies. They had a herd with horses who cared about each other. That was worth more than anything.

Crimson lifted her head to the peek of the mountain above them. Hoof prints led up a steep embankment. Streaking Wind had pushed Tacoma's herd hard.

"I hate feeling indebted to a stallion," Crimson mumbled under her breath.

Nagissa leaned in with a gentle smile. "I'll bet he wants nothing in return."

Crimson shook her head to that. Of course he wanted something. No stallion did anything good without an ulterior motive.

She raised her sore leg for a moment as her eyes wandered to Jack. The little white colt was snoozing beside his protective mother. If it were not for Streaking Wind, there was no telling what might have happened to him. Perhaps the blue roan stallion did have a little, tiny piece of heart.

Crimson blew through her lips lazily and began to move with the herd to the back of the plateau. The beauty encasing them was breathtaking. Crimson's nostrils were filled with the Fir trees and streams nearby. All of the spring alfalfa was beginning to grow.

A shadow rolled over Crimson Song. She lifted her head to take in the huge blue roan above her. There was anger sparking from his stance, and Crimson knew she had to prepare for the worst.

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