Chapter 10

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Crimson located a shower of sunshine and was bathing in its warmth when Streaking Wind, the stallion in question, approached with a snort.

His blue coat quivered, and Crimson could feel the irritation and sadness dripping from his hide, and Crimson had no idea why. She could not figure out the reason it bothered her anyways. He was her enemy after all.

His eyes softened as his ears tipped forward. Wind's head lifted and the sadness seemed to vanish. He looked at the mare beside him. "Now I know why your name is Crimson Song."

She snorted and set her ears back. "You don't know anything about me!"

He nodded. "I know that when you stand in the sunlight, your hide sparkles like red flames. I know that you had it rough as a foal and want to keep others from the same fate. Your dislike of stallions is easy to understand. Where you are from, they are cruel."

Crimson lifted her eyes to his. "Jack must have told you."

Streaking Wind laughed, and the sadness suddenly returned. Crimson flattened her ears further.

Many of the mares were grazing happily. Some of the foals rested in the sunlight. It was going to be a hot summer.

"The grass here won't last forever," Streaking Wind said.

Crimson allowed the sun to wash over her hide. She swished her white tail to rid a fly. "I'll always have my plateau."

The stallion shook his mane. "What keeps you so attached to that place?"

Crimson tipped her ears forward. He was reading and understanding her better than she thought. If she was honest, it frightened her. Usually Nagissa was the only one, and Night Lily had always been observant.

Crimson sealed her lips. There was no way she could divulge the deep secrets in her past. She would rather forget them.

"Where I am from, up north, I know lots of stallions who cherish those in their herds," Streaking Wind said.

Crimson snorted and stomped a hoof with strength. "There is no such thing! Don't think I have forgotten that I can't trust you, either!"

He smirked at that, which strangely made Crimson's anger disappear. Both of them stood in the sunshine, watching the horses in the herd truly enjoying themselves.

A scent blew along the wind. Crimson Song raised her muzzle. She was startled that she recognized it. Her ears flattened.

Streaking Wind wheeled around with his tail up and ears back. "That's your friend, Tacoma. He doesn't give up easily, does he?"

Crimson shook her head. She aligned her mane on the right side of her neck. Her body stiffened and her stomach turned. There was no pain in her body, but she was concerned to fight all the same.

"Leave it to me," Streaking Wind said.

The palomino glared at him. "This is my herd! I am going to take care of this. You can come along if you want."

He opened his mouth to protest, but Crimson rushed past him. They galloped headlong to the mouth of the tunnel that would lead them out.

"Nagissa, you're in charge!" Crimson called behind her.

The two horses moved effortlessly through the dark tunnel and soon emerged into the sunlight. Tacoma was near the entrance with his head to the ground as if he was searching for something.

"I'm surprised that the storm didn't kill you last night," Crimson said. She calmed her breathing and set her ears back.

Tacoma glared at her from across the field. His eyes were wide as he drank her in with his gaze. Then he saw Streaking Wind, and his body language changed from arrogance to sheer anger.

Streaking Wind remained silent. His breathing heaved in and out, but it was hardly laboured. Crimson did not take long to realize that he was going to back her up, but why, she had no idea.

"What are you looking for? A trace of us?"

Tacoma flinched, proving that Crimson was correct. The big black horse was radiating irritation.

"I saw you come out of that cave." The black horse snorted with disgust. "I'm only going to ask once more. Where are my mares?"

Crimson firmly planted her hooves. "They do not belong to you! Leave them to the peace they desire!"

Tacoma turned his attention to Streaking Wind, ignoring Crimson Song. "You were the stallion that broke her famous, flawless record, didn't you? That was supposed to be my job."

The blue-roan stallion did not budge, nor did he speak.

"Hey, I'm taking to you!" Tacoma bellowed.

Crimson snorted. "I'm talking to you! He is capable of taking everything you own, and not just a few of the mares who used to be in your herd, and so I would not address him that casually!"

Tacoma's eyes snapped to Crimson. He took a step towards them, fury radiating from his body. "Who do you think you are?"

Crimson stood her ground. Not an ounce of fear dripped from her language. "I'm the mare who is telling you to grow up and take care of the rest of your herd!" She shouted it. Her mane flopped boldly on the right side of her neck.

Tacoma stared at her, mouth ajar. There was nothing further for him to say. Crimson Song knew that she had him cornered.

"I don't ever want to see you again," he seethed.

Crimson stood her ground as the black stallion wheeled around and galloped off. He disappeared over the mountain ridge.

Joy flooded Crimson's heart. She hoped more than ever that he would never show up again, but even if he did, she would be ready.

Her eyes lifted to Wind. His strong form cast a shadow across the hill. He smiled at her, his brown eyes filled with adoration. Crimson Song lowered her gaze. Her heart began to beat faster.

"Stop staring at me like that!" Crimson said.

His expression saddened as he put his ears back and dipped his head. Crimson stepped forward. She wondered if she had said something to upset him. She shook her head immediately. It didn't matter. He was the enemy.

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