Chapter 16

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Crimson shoved Tacoma underneath her as they both plunged into the white water. They spun out of control, both trying to break the surface.

Crimson's lungs began to ache. Her vision quickly blurred as she was assaulted by the frigid water, but she could not give up.

Using all of her strength, Crimson paddled to the surface. She took in a deep breath of air.  Ahead, on the bank, there was a blue roan horse. Crimson knew immediately who it was. Rushing Wind, the betrayer, had come to witness her demise.

Crimson struggled to stay above the water. As they neared the stallion, Crimson could see the fear in Rush's eyes. His body was shaking as if he were the one in the churning water. She coughed. Her body was almost at its end.

Tacoma thrashed in the water ahead of her. He was slowly getting closer to the shore.

"Song," Rush suddenly shouted. He reached his neck out as far as it would go. "G-grab a hold!"

Crimson kicked as hard as she possibly could. She could see the fear locked in his eyes. There was no doubt that the trauma of being swept away as a foal and losing someone close to him was a lot to handle. Crimson knew all to well what it was like. She, too, had been nervous around water after her mother had died.

Wind was facing his past troubles and trying to save her, though she still was not sure what that meant.

Crimson stretched out her neck. Rushing Wind took hold of her mane and helped her up onto the bank. Her legs nearly gave out underneath her, but Wind held her fast.

"Are you alright?" Rushing Wind asked.

Crimson Song chocked a few times and inhaled deeply. The strength within her grew as well as the anger towards all stallions. She lifted a hoof and thrashed it against Wind. He stumbled back from the immense impact.

"What was that for?" he growled.

"I know that you teamed up with Tacoma!" Her tone was far more bitter than she had intended. It was only a hunch after all.

Rushing Wind flattened his ears and stomped a hoof. "How many times do I have to save your life before you can trust me?"

Crimson Song's eyes narrowed as she inspected him closely. There was genuine truth and frustration in his eyes. His body language was rigid, yet comfortable.

"You might do anything to make me believe you!  You might save my life because you actually want me, but what about the rest of my herd?  My duty is to them!"

Rushing Wind backed up a few steps. He exhaled slowly.  After a moment he stepped forward again and reached out to drape his neck over Crimson Song. Her body froze. She could not understand her own feelings! She could not pull away!

"Your mother gave everything for the horses she loved, especially me. I could never betray her legacy, and now she lives in you! No matter what other horses say, you should be able to see the truth!"

Crimson's eyes began to water and her body began to shake. She tried to pull away. A stallion could not see her like this!

"You don't have to be strong all the time. I'm not." Rush said softly. "That's why we have each other!"

Crimson Song sighed deeply. She found herself folding into his embrace. Never before had she felt such security and love.

A snort echoed from downstream. Rush and Crimson both turned to face their opponent. They were not through with Tacoma yet.

"Even after I told you that we were partners, you still can't resist his charms," Tacoma said. He flattened his ears tighter against his wet and matted mane.

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