Chapter 6

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Every horse in Crimson Song's herd was tightly packed together and moving along smoothly. They were travelling at a swift trot, fast enough to avoid danger and slow enough that the foals could easily keep up.

Crimson was in a foul mood. She had snapped at the herd to get moving and demanded that Nagissa and Night Lily do a perimeter check. They had reported that nothing was there, but Crimson had to be sure. That stallion could not be allowed near her mares!

She was at the rear once more, but at least her leg was not as aggravating as the day before. For that she was thankful.

Crimson gazed at Folick Mountain, which was directly in front of them. They would hit the base of it in a matter of hours, and then life would be easier. There were fewer stallions up in the high elevations, and even if there were, they were far less aggressive than the ones in the valleys.

Night Lily called out happily that they were almost there. The herd picked up speed because it was easier for a horse to run uphill. They propelled their bodies upwards as the wind whipped around them. In the warming weather, it was a glorious feeling.

Crimson Song went easy on her leg as they travelled to their regular plateau. The foals bucked and kicked with excitement ahead of her. She could not help but smile.

As the wind died down, the herd soon realized that they had finally reached their destination, but as they peered over their sheltered paradise, they realized that there was already a herd there!

Crimson swung her mane onto the right side of her neck and snorted loudly. She passed many of the others to come up beside Night Lily and Nagissa. The three of them stared at the unwelcome herd before them.

"To pick a spot like this in the middle of spring is strange," Lily said.

Nagissa nodded. "What do you want to do, Crim? We could overthrow them."

Crimson Song stamped a hoof, sending dust swirling around her. "Perhaps they are only resting here. Not many herds have the audacity or the skill to remain in someone else's territory. I will speak with either the stallion or the lead mare."

The grey mare nodded and tossed her forelock out of her eyes. "Be careful, Crim. Only a strong horse would bring his herd here at this time of year."

She merely glared at the distant herd. Crimson marched forward. Nagissa and Night Lily were tight on her heels. They moved together and waited as the stallion became aware of their presence.

He was a huge black stallion with muscle rippling through him. Crimson nearly choked. "That's Tacoma!"

"What's he doing? Didn't you see him before in the valley?" Night Lily asked.

Crimson nodded. "He must have figured out we were coming and decided to get in our way!"

Nagissa blew through her lips. "He's challenging you, Crim. Let's back off while we can!"

Crimson Song wanted to go two different ways. She knew it was wiser to pull back and gain more strength, but her pride was telling her to fight and win the home that she had worked hard to protect every year.

Night Lily nudged the palomino's shoulder. "Come on, Crimson. Your leg is still bothering you!"

Crimson Song shook off her friend. "I can still teach him not to mess with us!"

Nagissa threw out a hoof. It slammed into Crimson's shoulder. "Let's go!" she ordered.

Her commanding voice was enough to snap Crimson Song back to rationality. They gathered the herd and galloped headlong away from the rampaging stallion.

Tacoma was in hot pursuit. Crimson's head began to spin as she realized that her herd was not moving nearly as fast as he was. She had no choice but to face off against the huge black stallion.

"Why isn't he backing off?" Night Lily asked.

Nagissa sighed heavily. "He knows it's us! Your coat looks like a flaming tongue of fire in the sunlight, Crim, and there is no other horse like that!"

Crimson planted all four hooves. The others rocketed forward. Nagissa and Night Lily turned the moment they realized that she was not behind them. The three of them faced off against the black stallion they knew to be one of the most dangerous in the land.

"How are we going to handle this?" Night Lily asked.

"We have to at least try to talk to him," Crimson said.

The other two nodded with understanding. They put up a wall as Tacoma thundered towards them. His approaching self seemed more daunting than any horse Crimson had ever faced.

Tacoma made it clear that he was not about to stop. He was prepared to charge right through them! As he neared, the mares separated and attacked his hooves in an attempt to trip him. He dodged as easily as an eagle would ride an air current.

Crimson Song gasped as he aimed his huge, penetrating brown eyes on her. He went directly for her injured leg. She leapt out of the way and lowered her head with her ears pinned back.

"That's a dirty trick," she muttered. She swept her mane onto the right side of her neck. "Care to tell me what you want?"

Tacoma threw his head in the air and then went in to kick her once more. "Your friend the other day was a real bully. I didn't think you associated with stallions like him. Did someone finally beat you?"

Crimson pulled her ears back tighter. Her bottom lip quivered at the suggestion. "I have no idea who he is or why he picked on you, got it? Now get out of here and off my plateau!"

"It's pretty nice actually," Tacoma said with a smirk. "I think I want to stay!"

Crimson slammed her front hoof into the ground. "Horses don't even come up here this time of year!" Her voice was becoming desperate.

The black stallion had been there with his herd at least a day, and they were probably foraging on the sweet grass which was meant for her herd. Resources would not last forever, and Crimson knew full well how dangerous it was in the mountains without sustenance.

Tacoma let out a mocking laugh. "I will leave you alone when you give back my mares!"

Her heart nearly stopped. She glanced at the two mares beside her, who were ready to defend her if need be. Her eyes fell on the others who were watching with worry. They were counting on her for safety.

"There is no way I would so that," Crimson said in between gritted teeth.

Tacoma swished his tail in irritation. "I suppose the only way to get them back is to kill the three of you then!"

Crimson Song tightened her bottom lip. There was no way she was going down without a fight.

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