Chapter 2

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Crimson Song made an attempt to stand straight with her tail slightly elevated. She made a surprise buck which nearly flattened Tacoma. The black stallion snorted heavily and thrashed a hoof in her direction.

The blue roan lowered his head and approached even faster. Crimson's heart took on a rapid pace as her hooves froze solid to the ground. He towered over them and easily doubled her weight.

The blue roan pinned his gaze on Tacoma. The two stallions crashed into each other. Crimson Song watched with mouth ajar as they fought. She tipped her head to the side. Actually, it wasn't a fight at all. The blue roan dominated in a matter of seconds and began to drive Tacoma away.

Crimson Song stood, completely dumbfounded. She lowered her head and squeezed her eyes shut as the stallions raced off. They were specs on the mountainside in a matter of minutes, leaving the herd of mares in peace. Crimson finally searched the horizon once more. She lifted her muzzle to the wind. There was no more danger.

Regaining her composure, Crimson slammed her lips together and slung her white forelock out of her eyes. There were no words to describe what she had just witnessed. Never before had any stallion spoken to her with such a commanding yet gentle tone. She set her ears back. He had addressed her, and that was shocking enough! Most stallions merely attacked or threatened.

Crimson Song turned back to the on looking mares. All of them were as flabbergasted as she was. They gathered around her quickly, and voices rose.

"Who was that strange stallion?"

"What do you think he wanted?"

"Did he protect us on purpose?"

Crimson Song silenced them with one stomp of her hoof. She flipped her mane so that it landed neatly on the right side of her neck. Her heart beat returned to a normal beat as her reassuring nature took over. "Enough questions, everyone," she said. "That stallion probably intended to attack Tacoma from the beginning, and it does not matter who he is because he surely will not be accompanying us to the mountain!"

A few of the mares put dreamy tones to their voices. "It would be wonderful if he chose to follow us and keep us safe!"

Another mare lowered her head and closed her eyes. "If only I could find a stallion with such devotion and kindness!"

Crimson Song's ears tipped back. Her blood began to boil. "Stop talking like that!" she snapped. All of the mares turned their eyes upon her. "He was a stallion! Don't forget what their kind does to us! They are arrogant, ruthless creatures bent on breaking our spirits!"

The mares sadly nodded their heads. Crimson Song set her lips tight. She could not believe she had crushed their hopes like that. Of course, all of them had been through a lot, and they required extra patience and love. Hope could not hurt them either.

"Not all stallions are bad, I'm sure," Crimson Song said softly. She gave them a gentle look and a nod of her head. "Hang in there, everyone! Forget my tactless comments."

Each of the mares looked back at their protector with pleasant smiles. They turned back in the direction of Folick Mountain. Crimson Song allowed the older mares to lead the way. They had been there many times during their life and were well aware of the most sensible paths. The palomino once again hung at the back, prepared to defend the herd, even though her entire body was now pulsing with pain.

Crimson's thoughts went back to the roan stallion. She wondered what had gone through his mind as he galloped towards her. While she had been preoccupied, he surely could have stolen one of the mares, or at least caused great confusion. His actions had been out of character for any stallion. Even if there was a sensible one, he would not have taken over a battle without further investigation. Her head began to spin with questions, and Crimson was beginning to think like one of the hopeful mares in the herd.

"It doesn't matter why he did what he did, because I am never going to see him again," Crimson Song said. She tossed her soft mane back to the right side. Defiance filled her eyes. She had to wonder where he had come from, and if he was going to be a further nuisance in the future.

One of the little grey fillies slid in beside her leader. "You're hurt, aren't you?"

Crimson let out a deep sigh. She inspected the little horse beside her. "I suppose you're right, but I still won't let anyone touch you, alright?"

The little filly's eyes were filled with concern. She lowered her head several times and timidly set her ears in a parted fashion. "Are Nagissa and Night Lily going to be alright?"

The palomino raised her head higher and made sure her mane was collected. "They will be arriving shortly, I'm sure. Follow your mother, alright little one?"

Obediently, the young foal galloped forward with the others. The lead mares picked up speed and began ascending one of the mountains in order to reach the pass. Crimson scanned the area for any signs of danger up on the cliffs. This was often the most difficult part of the journey. Stallions often lay in wait for unsuspecting herds to pass through.

Crimson left the path and began heading up the west embankment. It was not long before she could see her herd of mares ambling below her. The palomino lifted her muzzle to the wind and drank in the wild mountain air. Juniper trees were basking in the sunlight on the southern cliffs. Ponderosa Pine trees accompanied them, and together they created a green landscape which would conceal a skilled horse. On the other side, where it was more open, were the maples and a variety of other water-soaking trees which Crimson Song knew many horses would hide from the summer heat.

"Everyone pick up the pace and pull together," Crimson said as she dashed down the mountainside. It took everything in her to put any weight at all on her injured hind leg.

The older horses were well aware of the danger. They quickly obeyed, but some of the foolish foals continued to frolic on the edges.

Crimson Song glanced at the path they had travelled moments before. Two horses approached. Crimson cupped her ears in their direction with joy. Nagissa and Night Lily were catching up.

Returning her gaze to her herd, Crimson quickly realized that the young ones were out of rank. She set her ears back and sighed in despair. Those foals had no idea how to listen.

"Jack, you guys had better stay together before a stallion snatches you up!" Crimson yelled.

The newborn colt shook his mane and nuzzled closer to his mother. All of them quickly huddled together as they pushed onward.

Crimson Song galloped straight down the embankment to the herd. She pushed through her pained leg and swung around them, keeping her eyes roaming the hills.

Movement instantly caught the palomino's eye. She looked closer only to locate the shadow of a horse. Her heart trilled in response.

Crimson Song had no reason to concern the others quite yet. She hoped that Nagissa and Night Lily would arrive soon. She would be able to do only so much with her bruised hindquarters.

The palomino flipped all of her billowing mane to the right side of her neck and moved out to let the stallion know that his presence had already been detected.

As Crimson approached, she was startled to find that he took off through the trees and disappeared like a phantom into the mountain.

She planted all four hooves and lifted her muzzle. A knot formed in her stomach, and she could not explain the reason. She thought about the vanishing horse. There had to be a reason for it, but she could not figure it out. It was simply too mysterious.

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