Chapter 17

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Crisp air enveloped them all. The early spring was cooler in the northern regions than Crimson had expected. She snorted and leaned into Rush's warm side. He peered down at her curiously.

Since their arrival in the respectable parts two days ago, Crimson had bid farewell to half of her herd. Rush was right. All of the stallions up north treated their mares like intricate gems.

The stallions did not fight each other for mares. They focussed on protecting them from predators and unlawful horses. The mares were extremely loyal as well, and almost always stayed with one male.

Crimson sucked in a lungful of air. She could not have wished for a more peaceful setting for the ones she loved.

Jack was busy rampaging through the valley ahead of them. Crimson watched with an attentive smile. The little white colt would learn how to treat others with dignity, and he would grow strong.

A herd up ahead raised their heads. The lead mare nickered a greeting as the stallion pranced toward them. He was a silvery grey with wild but well kept white mane. He had a hint if a limp in his hind leg.

Rush puffed out his chest and then bowed his head. Crimson looked up at him. There was a connection between the two somehow.

The herd behind Crimson Song pulled closer to her. Jack fearlessly leapt towards the huge grey stallion. For a moment Crimson stiffened and prepared to defend him, but then the huge horse stooped down to ruffle his mane. Rushing Wind picked up his hooves and trotted towards them with his ears fully cupped forward.

Crimson Song watched for a moment as Rush bowed before the huge horse. They seemed to converse for a while before Wind turned back and motioned with his neck for her to join them.

With cautious steps, Crimson approached them. Every time they met a stallion she would tense up, but at least she was not alone anymore.

"I can tell immediately that this is the mare you were searching for," the grey stallion said. His strong voice filled with emotion. "She's a beauty both inside and out!"

Crimson Song flattened his ears. "How can you tell?"

Rushing Wind released a hearty laugh. "He's a good judge of character, Song, and so I wouldn't question him if I were you. Meet Thunder's Stead. He took me in and taught me how to fight!"

Crimson bowed her head politely and ensured her ears were swivelled correctly. She could tell by the old stallion's twinkling eyes that he could be trusted.

The rest of the herd ambled in behind them. Most of the mares who had remained by Crimson's side were still nervous about meeting new stallions. Their scars were deep.

Crimson gave them a reassuring dip of her head. She spotted her two best friends. Nagissa and Night Lily were the most hesitant to leave her.

"Well, Rush, it looks like you've accomplished your goal!" Thunder said. "Now what do you plan to do?"

Wind's eyes fixed on Crimson. Her heart swelled under his loving gaze. Never before could she have ever imagined such happiness.

"I think we'll head down south after the winter and begin teaching young stallions what it means to be dignified."

Crimson's ears tipped forward. "As long as that includes protecting mares, that's fine with me!"

A young stallion stepped out with flowing silver mane. His white coat shone like the moon. Everyone stopped to greet him. Thunder even bowed respectfully.

"This is Shining Shadow. It seems he has an eye on your mares," Thunder said with a laugh.

The white horse nodded eagerly. "I heard they are all looking for homes. I have no herd of my own, but they can come with me!  It will be my greatest honour to call them my own and protect them!"

Crimson eyed him warily. There was no way she was going to give up her herd so easily.

Rushing Wind leaned against her hide and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry, Song. I trained with him. Thunder would never let him do this if he did not think he was ready."

Crimson lifted her eyes to the stallion who had somehow become hers. She had learned to trust him, even though as a stallion, he had been her mortal enemy.

Nagissa and Night Lily stepped forward with joy radiating from their eyes. "We are glad to have a new home, Crim," Nagissa said.

"Start a family of your own, and live well," Night Lily said softly. "We are going to start a new chapter of our lives, too!"

Crimson sped forward and crashed into the two mares. Happiness overwhelmed her. "I'm so lucky to have had you both by my side for the past two years!  May the Creator be with you both!"

They nodded pleasantly as tears began to flood both of their eyes. Crimson flipped her mane to the right side of her neck. Determination burned inside of her.

"Take care of her, alright, Wind?" Night Lily said.

The blue roan stallion's eyes gleamed. "I'll do my best, and I know that she will protect me, too."

Crimson Song bid farewell to the rest of her herd. Those were the horses that she would give her life for. They had been her entire world the last few years, and now she felt as though her heart was being ripped in half. It was the worst pain she had ever encountered. It was worse than when her mother had died.

"You'll see them again," Rush said softly. His tender voice sparked more emotion.

Crimson Song raised her eyes to the sky. She was lucky indeed. Everything had turned out alright in the end. A stallion now stood by her side. A few weeks ago she would have laughed at the thought, but here she was, melting into the side of a mortal enemy.

It had been him who had saved her. Rushing Wind had been the one to sacrifice everything and aid her when she needed it most.

The big grey stallion snorted softly. "I suppose you'll be off again, hey Rush?"

Wind tossed his black mane and arched his neck to look even more elegant. It nearly stole Crimson's breath away. She could see that restlessness in his eyes. He was prepared for anything their future might hold, and she was too.

"Get ready, Song, because tomorrow is another day!"

Crimson Song flexed her ears forward and curiously stared out onto the horizon. "Maybe settling down wouldn't be such a bad idea," she admitted.

Wind laughed. "No, it might be good, but that's not who you are. Not right now anyways."

The palomino smiled and picked up her hooves in a full out gallop. The wind whispered sweet assurances into her ears, and as she looked over, she realized that her Wind was whispering to her as well.

-------------------The End-----------------

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