💔💜Can't Breathe💜💔

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Donnie x reader with hanahaki disease ~female~

warning there will be gore with death!! And it will be longer then my other ones. Its worth reading!!

(y/n's pov)

I ran into out of the lair my breath ragged from trying not to cry. I just confessed to Donnie while he was working to maybe surprise him and hopefully to get a good response. Well I was wrong, very wrong. As I climbed out of the sewers the only thing was going through my head was his cold response. "I already knew this and I don't love you", he was never this cold toward me. I just couldn't stop running farther and farther from the lair. I kept running even though my legs where starting to cramp and my lungs starting to burn. tears finally started falling as my legs gave out on me.
My whole body was shaking from my suppressed sobs and crys. I held my legs close to me as i hid my face in my knees. Tears staining my face and the black leggings I'm wearing. It took me a good 30 minutes to calm down enough to call April to pick me up and let me stay at her place for awhile.

"what happened (Y/n)" April asked softly

"Donnie...rejected me.....like I knew he would" I whimpered to my closest friend, April is basically my sister at this point

"I'm so sorry I pushed you to do that" April apologized.

"he already knew, can you just get me already...?" I whispered

"wait when did you tell him? Mikey texted me you ran off 2 hours ago" April said worriedly.

"Tell Mikey you found me. just get me, please its starting to rain" i say hanging up on her.

It took April around 45 minutes to drive and find me using my location. She wrapped a towel around me as I sat in the passenger seat of her car. we stayed silent the whole drive back which was quicker.

*at 3 am*

I sat up quickly gasping for air feeling like things are stuck in my throat. I stepped out of April's room as I started coughing. My coughing was violent and painful. After a few minutes of coughing and gasping for air I felt a bit better. I looked at my hand seeing small seeds

"What the hell" I mutter in shock.

I quickly throw the seeds from my hand into thes trash. What the hell was going on. I went back to April's room and sat back down on the air mattress. Coughing up seeds, that is the strangest thing maybe I should ask Donnie......no donnie hates me. What should I do, what should i do....

*6 weeks later*

April has managed to get me to go back to the lair to hang out with the guys. Donnie tries to act like how we used to act even though he broke my heart. I was broken from it, absolutely broken.
I managed to hide my coughing up seeds from everyone. Well it wasn't seeds anymore. Its full flowers now, red carnations to be exact. At times it just the petals others it's whole flowers. But only one flower at a time. I recently found out what was happening is called hanahaki disease. It's extremely rare but all records of people having it end up dieing even if the one the victim loves ends up eventually loving them back.
I'm fine with this. I made my peace. In scared of them knowing I have this. I really don't want them to know. But they will eventually find me dead.

"Your really deep in thought (Y/n)" Leo says poking my shoulder.

"Sorry" I mutter glancing at him.

"Its fine!" Leo smiled brightly at me.

I began to smile back as I started violently coughing my body doubling over. My hands holding my sides. Petals and multiple red carnations drop to the floor with drops of blood dripping out of my mouth.
Leo screamed loudly making everyone run over including Donnie I could see him in the corner of my eyes. I wanted to run away. But the violent coughing, blood, and flowers coming out of my mouth stopped me.

"(Y/n)! What is going on!" April yelled panicked in a manner, pulling away me to sit down.

I couldn't talk through the coughing. This was the longest my hanahaki has acted up. I was struggling to breathe. My whole abdomen hurt. Everyone one crowded aroud me.

"(Y/n)....take your time" Donnie said softly crouching down Infront of me.

I felt a small bit of anger pool within me. He caused this, why is he even trying to help me. I couldn't tell him to get away from me so I only glared which he payed no mind to. I felt the barely being able breathe take affect. I passed out in my own blood and the flowers. That's just how I'll die....

*3rd person*

As (Y/n) passed of from lack of oxygen. Donnie pulled out his tablet researching about what just happened to her.

"Donnie it isn't the time to be on your tablet!!" Leo yelled at his brother.

"I'M LOOKING UP WHATS GOING ON!!" Donnie quickly snapped back while April checked her best friends pulse.

"She still has a pulse..." April sighed woth relief.

"It's...a really rare disease that's 100% fatal" Donnie said as tears welles up in his eyes.

"NO! NO IM NOT LOSING HER!" April cried out.

"You.... can do something right to fix this....." Mikey whimpered and hugged Raph who also held April who was sobbing.

"No i cant, what she has is the hanahaki disease.....I caused it" Donnie muttered and dropped down to the floor moving (Y/n's) hair from their face.

"What do you mean by that!?" Leo yelled.

"Hanahaki disease is caused by one sided love. She confessed to me and I rejected her quite coldly. Even though I realized I started liking her last week. It was already to late" Donnie muttered and picked her up gently starting to carry her to his lab.

"We have to prepare for...her to die...." April whispered as Donnie left.

Donnie set (Y/n) on a table and looked down at her muttering to himself. He felt absolutely horrible. He was causing someone he always cared deeply for to die. Donnie had no idea how much time she had left. But he wanted to spend as much of is as possible with her
He put a breathing mask on her face and sat at his desk chair waiting for her to wake up but she didn't, (Y/n) stayed passed out. Donnie constantly checked her for hours while everyone was in the room for emotional support and to be there if she woke up.
After 7 hours her mouth was filled with very bloody red carnations everyone watched horrified as the mask was pushed off by the flowers that kept coming out of her mouth. It was ten minutes until the flowers stopped but now only blood and a few petals came out ger mouth. She was officially gone. No life, no more smiles, no more memories.....Her life ended tragically. Silence fell among her dear friends. Only earlier that day they all where creating new memories with her. Donnie was planning on telling her how he felt.

((Word count is 1239))

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