❤️💙A Fantasy Christmas pt 1💜🧡

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(Y/n's pov)

  Sitting up from bed, looking to the bed next to you, your parents still sleeping cuddled up lovingly with each other. The sun not yet started to rise. The air cold, last night's fire dying out. You could barely feel it's warmth. Pulling your covers back you got ready for the day as quickly as you could. It was even colder out from under the blanket.
  Rubbing your hands together. As you move to the fireplace. Grabbing the fire poker your stirred the dying embers to bring them back to life by moving air between them. Setting some of the kindling on top of the embers using some loose fabric of your clothes to fan it to light the fire.
  Once a small fire was started you carefully put small, somewhat thin logs onto the kindling to start the fire.
  Moving away from the fireplace you placed your grandmother's shawl over your shoulders. Lighting a lantern then opening the door and looking out at the snowy land in front of you.

"You're starting your chores already?" You heard your father tiredly mumble as he was getting up.

"I have alot to do Father" you responded and closed the door behind you.

  Gripping the shawl over your shoulders. Walking slowly through the snow. It seems like new snow has fallen. Carrying the lantern in front of you to the barn to check on the sheep and goats also aiming to check in on your friends hiding in there.
  Opening the barn door and sneaking in. The air much warmer in the barn than the house or the outside. You stayed inside to warm up your hands. Still hearing soft breathing and quiet snoring.
  Looking up at the loft and softly laughing to yourself wondering how those 4 could sleep with all the noise of the animals. Carefully holding the lantern as you climb up the ladder to get up on the loft, careful not to wake them up. Stepping on the loft, walking quietly to an area you keep some belongings you hide from your parents. Such as herbs and other items considered witchcraft. A few books that's not ordained by the church. Your family being deeply religious.
  You would be punished as a witch for having these items and for even knowing your friends. By their appearance they would be called Monsters, goblins, demons, and so much more. You saw them as kind souls. They saved your life, and you would do anything to repay them.
  You wanted to learn how to be able to learn how to properly heal people and take care of them when sick. You lost too much of your family by sickness and injuries. Donnie was teaching you everything he knew and he was a great help. You were also learning from the midwife outside of the village.
  Hearing Raph roll onto his side groaning, waking up slightly. You sat down on the hay in the corner that's covered with an old blanket. Hoping he wouldn't wake up fully. You soon heard him snoring again. You sighed relieved he didn't wake up. Those boys needed sleep, you knew it. Looking out the small window next to you. I was facing east.
  The sun was slowly rising, setting the snowy world outside of the barn into a beautiful winter wonderland. A dangerous beauty. The morning rays sparkling in the ice hanging off roofs. You could see the neighbors' houses from here.

"(Y/n)... It's beautiful out huh?" Mikey whispered right next to you

"... goodness!" You whisper yell, scared by Mikey suddenly talking in your ear.

"Sorry sorry!" He giggled, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"It's alright Mikey, why don't you sit with me?" You suggested.

"Thanks, I'm really cold," he said sitting next to you wrapped up in his blanket.

"Here" you mutter, offering to him some of your shawl.

"Thanks again (Y/n)" Mikey responded leaning on you, letting you wrap part of your shawl over his shoulders.

  The two of you watching the sunrise in comfortable silence. Enjoying your friends' company. Before long you felt weight against your back.

  "Mornin' Mikey….(Y/n)" Raph muttered his voice rough with sleep.

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