💔💜Oh Darling💜💔

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Donnie x reader (nonbinary)

Warning death of a pet

(Y/n's pov)

You were sitting out on your balcony outside of your apartment. Enjoying the brisk October air. Listening to music and just relaxing. The background noises of NYC also helping to relax you. Checking the time on your phone it was a few minutes from 2am.
Adjusting your jacket, getting a sudden bad feeling about your cat and needing to check on her. She has been noticeably sick the past few days. You had put her in the spare room to separate her from your new kitten. So she wouldn't be so stressed. She was used to being your only cat until a few months ago. You fostered your kitten's mom and siblings and you kept one. The kitten's name is Mochi, Donnie convinced you to keep her cause you both fell in love with the little kitty. Calling Donnie as you made your way back inside.

"Hey Darling, I thought you were asleep" Donnie said, sounding so sweet and gentle.

"You know how Mousey has been sick....I got a bad feeling about and felt like I needed to check on her" You told him your voice was shaking ever so slightly.

"Oh Darling, you go check. I'll start heading over now." He said, you could hear his chair creaking as he leaned back.

"Thanks" You muttered quietly.

Walking to the spare room, the air catching in your throat. Something was wrong, you could feel it. You could hear Donnie in the background telling his brothers that he was leaving. You opened the door. The whole room felt heavy, the fluffy black cat that you had since she was a month old. Was laying there as stiff as a board.

"Mousey....baby...." You called out softly walking towards her, Hoping she would move or utter a quiet meow.

It took a few moments to realize that she was gone. A choked scream left your throat. You reached to the closest thing to you, gripping into the bookshelf. Tears streamed down your face. You fell to your knees sobbing. You couldn't hear the call ending. Your hand is still gripping the bookshelf until your knuckles turned white.
What felt like hours after that moment but in reality it was minutes. You felt your boyfriend's arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. Slowly he pulled you out of the spare room. You could barely hear what he said to you. But you knew he was speaking. His hand rubbed circles into your back until your sobbing lessened enough to were to could breathe.

"That's alright darling, deep breaths" He said softly.

Donnie of course felt bad for you. He would do anything to stop or lessen your grief. Your tears staining his shoulder and your face. He waited for a few moments before saying.

"Darling, I have to go get her and bring her somewhere to bury her...will you let me up?" Donnie asked, cupping your face in his hands wiping away the tears.

"Do what you need to do...." You mutter feeling numb to everything.

He got up after gently kissing your cheek. Donnie kept his hand on your cheek as he walked away, his finger tips grazing your tear stained face as he left. He picked a small blanket and a trashbag, Then went into the spare room. You could hear him softly muttering.
Shakily you walked to the doorway watching him. Oh how gentle and sweet he was being made you almost start crying again. He was talking to your beloved cat like he always did, gently petting the soft fur on her head. It was a cute habit he had since she would always meow back to him.

"Mousie, you won our last argument. It's not very fair for me. Don't worry about your human. I will look out for (y/n)...... You were loved by so many. You stole everybody's heart and made a lasting impression. No one will ever forget you" he spoke softly, choking up on some of the words.

Donnie folded her gently into the blanket then put her in the trash bag so her body would be protected. He turned towards you and sadly smiled. You let him walk past you carrying her out. You sat on the couch as he left, calling his brothers to explain things and help him.
They quickly came over you earned hugs from all three. Raph and Mikey were crying as well, the 2 of them adoring Mousey. Leo talked to Donnie quietly and left shortly after with your cat. Mikey and Raph went with him.
It was just the two of you now. Donnie sat down next to you and opened his arms allowing you to cuddle him. Which you gladly took up the offer. He turned on one of your comfort shows and laid there with you until you fell asleep. Which took awhile.

((My cat died last night and Im using this to cope....I started crying so I ended it much earlier then I planned.... word count is 850))

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