Chapter 3

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"Jung Kyung-Mi!!"

"What do you mean??"

"I mean, Kyung-Mi is the only way we can bring Dong Wook down!!"

"But who is she??"

"The future Luna of this Pack. The Alpha's daughter!! She is his only strength and only weakness. He can't even bear it if his daughter got a paper cut."

"So what do you have in your mind??"

I smirked on the line. "Well..... a broken heart hurts more than a paper cut right??"

"Hyung are you out of your mind??"

'Jimin's right! Are you nuts?!'

'Be quiet!' "What do you mean Jimin ah??"

"You're not gonna use her for your own benefit, right??"

I fell silent because I didn't expect Jimin to be this direct to me.

"Yes!" I only agreed because I couldn't find any substitute word for what I was gonna do.

"Hyung, I didn't expect this kind of a response from you!! How can you go this low??"

"What way do you have then?! Did you forget that they almost killed your mate?? That she's still in coma??"

"Hyung please...." His voice quivered. That's when I realized I got him triggered.

"Try to understand Jimin ah! I'm doing this for our Pack, for all the blood spilt, for all the wolves who died."

"Hyung, it may be risky!!"

"We can't achieve anything without risk, Jimin!"

"But how can you even tolerate being close to another woman when you didn't even find your own mate??"

"I honestly have no idea about that, but I'll adjust!!"

I heard Jimin sigh on the line.

"Okay fine, but promise me that you won't do something which will make you regret!! She might be the enemy, but she is the future Luna. Please keep her dignity the same way!!"

"I will Jimin!! Don't worry about that!!"

I heard him hum and the line went silent after we said our goodbyes. I sat down on the bed as my wolf was going haywire inside me, scolding me like there's no tomorrow. But I'm too bored to pen all of it down.

The image of a very shocked Hobi from the estate pond came into my mind again and I unknowingly began admiring her beauty. Her eyes, her heart shaped smile, her childishness and the same amount of maturity she had. It would be a sin to break the heart of some rare personality like her. But I had to do it. Because for me, my father's dead body is more scarier than Hobi's heartbroken face.

I'm sorry not sorry Hobi ah!


'Girl, you've been giving that same smile since the past thirty minutes and honestly, it is creeping me out!! Don't do this infront of my precious carrots!'

My smile withdrew immediately and I looked for my sleeping position on my bed to see Kookie sitting infront of my face, munching the carrot with a concerned expression. Since I was a part animal myself and spent most of my life with animals, I could understand them properly. I sat up on my bed and kept him on my lap.

'Is your mind still in the pond??'

I smiled and nodded.

'You seriously seem obsessed with this Yoingi guy!!'

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