Chapter 10

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Again! Viewer discretion is advised. Mature content ahead. But I know the bitches reading this story are thirsty. Please bear with me.

(I swear I was innocent before joining this Fandom.)


I smiled and twirled around the mirror, looking at my wedding dress hugging my body perfectly. I put on some diamond earrings and a small necklace. Y/N helped me with the veil and put on some makeup eventhough I refused.

"Bitch, it's your wedding!! You need to glam up."

"Yah onnie!!" I said, offended. "No swearing infront of the baby!!" I said, caressing her one month old baby bump.

"Yeah, she's right!!" Jin entered the room and gave his mate a side hug. "Our baby should be civilized."

We laughed as she pouted. Jin slowly walked up to the chair I was sitting on and smiled at my reflection.

"You look so beautiful Hobi ah!!"


He stood up infront of me and kissed my forehead.

"He better take care of you. Or else Imma whoop his ass!!"

Y/N whacked him on the head. "Yah Kim Seokjin!! Language!!"

We all burst out laughing as Jin scratched his head with an awkward smile.

"Come it's time to leave!!"

All three of us held hands and we set out to the car. Y/N gave me a bouquet made of beautiful and fagrant white roses. Our car soon reached a big werewolf shrine, dedicated to our Goddess, the Moon. We were also getting married on a full moon day today, because that day is considered very auspicious to us. It was a church to the world but a temple of the Moon to us werewolves.

My father was standing outside the church door, waiting for my car to arrive as it rolled up to a halt infront of him. He hopped down to open the door and helped with come out, holding my hand. We both stood infront of each other. My father kept a hand on my head as he looked at me up and down with a faint smile.

"You look so beautiful, my girl!! No wonder you look like your mother!! She was looking just like you the day we got married."

I smiled. "You're also looking no less than a groom, Appa! I've said before and I'll say it again, black makes you look younger!! Be careful, girls may start drooling over you. I better keep a name tag saying 'Back off, he's my father!' "

Appa lightly hit my arm, blushing like a ten year old kid whose crush smiled at.

"Kids these days!!"

We both giggled. He reached out and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much Hobi!"

"I love you more Appa!"

"Enough enough. Your fiancé will be jealous otherwise. Ready??"

I giggled and locked arms with him. "With you, I always am!!"

Together, we both walked inside the church.


I took a deep breathe to control myself from fidgeting. My fingers ran through my already not so fixed hair and I smoothed all the non existing creases on my black tuxedo. Today, was special, not only because it was our wedding, but it was a full moon day.

Meaning....... Hobi would go into her first Heat after marriage tonight 😏. It was way too personal, but it was also special for us.

"How does it feel to marry, Alpha hyung??" Minho teased me.

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