Chapter 8

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Tell me to do anything, but don't you think of telling me to climb up a window. Because I already got backache while doing that.

But sometimes, it's worth it though.

Everything was set for the war. Jimin was at the Pack outskirts with a small pack of wolves ready for action at my order. We were all set, wearing armors and our swords ready. But not my mind. I had to see Hobi before we get this matter once and for all.

I possibly couldn't go to her room straight through the main door so I decided to climb up the window to her balcony. After a lot of efforts, I finally managed to get down on her balcony. I slowly stepped inside, hoping to find her sleeping but her bed was empty.

'You look confused!!'

There she was! Near that bunny Kookie's cage.

'I am, Kookie ah!! I don't know whose side to choose. If I choose my mate, it would feel like I've betrayed my father. And if I choose Appa.....' She broke down again.

'You love both of them a lot, don't you??' Kookie asked with a heavy voice.

She nodded still crying. My heart twisted at her dilemma.

'Is that Yoingi??'

'Yoongi!!' She corrected, sounding absolutely done with him.

'Whatever! Isn't that him on the balcony??'

I straightened up when she did. I noticed her hastily wipe her tears and turned back to see me standing near the balcony door. She immediately gave a teary eyed smile to me and ran to me for a hug. I immediately caught her when she jumped into my arms, hiding her face to the crook of my neck and inhaling my scent. I too took in that tasty milk chocolate smell as much as I could.

Because I never knew I would be able to experience it again or not.

I put her down and we pulled away. She was in a tea green colored silk night dress, in a top and pajama pants of matching colors, with white borders.

She looked down and saw me in my armors and shakily kept a hand on my chest.

"Are you....." She trailed off.

Her eyes welled up when I nodded. She slowly looked up and we locked eyes for a while. Even in the silence, I could understand every sentence her eyes told me. I knew how much she wanted to hug me, to kiss me, to wish me luck, to tell me to be safe but the moment she realized who I was going to fight against, she looked down as tears dropped for her eyes.

I kept my hand on her chin and raised her face up to kiss her tears away.

"I understand Jagiya! Don't cry!"

Her eyes widened slightly when I used that term for her. I smiled lightly and pulled her closer by her waist. I stroked her lower lip with my thumb and she closed her eyes in anticipation. I smiled at her craving and with wasting no time, I crashed my lips onto hers. A moan escaped her mouth and she kissed me back, her warm hands cupping both my cheeks. A strong spark spread to my entire body as my hands gripped her small waist tightly, crashing her body to mine, earning another moan from her. I bit and nibbled on the flesh, savoring that irresistible taste. She gave me the entrance without any effort and our tongues played together, entwining and exploring each other.

I held her waist tightly and lifted her up the air, breaking the kiss for a moment and slammed her back to the wall near me. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me closer for more and my lips got down to her neck, earning moans after moans from her as I bit and sucked on her skin. I even gave her mark a lick, which made her yelp in pleasure.

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