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Bryce's father slammed the door as he closed it and the sound of it echoed throughout the study room. And from the silence Bryce felt the tension from his father emerge and he know very well that it was anger.

The loud footsteps from his father was getting nearer then he stopped beside his desk. Bryce stayed silent for a moment while his father stare at him.

Adam hardly closed his eyes and take a deep breath.

“Bryce, what's got into you?” his father asked.

Bryce raised his head and looked at him. “To be honest father. I don't want you to tell me who's gonna marry with I mean I'm not ready for it”

“I hate Maddison Cooper. That the truth would never change I really hate her father”

His father suddenly he let out a deep breath and patted his shoulders. When he look at him in the eye he seems different than before. As if he changed completely.

“I met your biological father when I was on London” his father first remarked then he took a seat infront of him and Bryce felt shocked. It has been so long since he heard something from his real father. “His words hit me hard Bryce when he said to me that your lucky to have me as your father, always taking care of you and loved you like your mine while he can't do anything. He said he was still can't move on from your real mother's death and your two siblings sudden deaths. Your real father cried infront of me and also done something a true father would have done. He said that he wish you would never end up being like him,he wants me to find your happiness. Please forgive him for everything he did to you, he apologized for not being there when you need him”

Bryce's mouth was bit opened but there were no words coming out. He felt his chest tigthen and wanted to cry as his emotions were overwhelming.

“I'm sorry Bryce” Adam aplogized to him in a sincere tone. “But this is my final decision and my wish to marry you and Ms. Cooper. Please do it for me”

“No father I don't want her. She'll end up mesirable with me like anyone else who got close to me. I'm destruction to most people Father that's why she must find someone that suited for her” Bryce stood up from my seat and he bow down his head. “I sincerly apologize that I'll not grant your wish but this is what I wanted. She's not the one for me” then he swiftly walked away from his study and his eyes but widened when he saw Maddison standing there with a tear fell from her eyes then she forced to smiled bitterly.


She suddenly run away from me and go downstairs with tears flowing down in her eyes. Then Bryce lowered down his head when he closed the door.

“I'm sorry” Bryce murmered.

Inside the study room Adam lean his head on his swevil chair and a guy in his 20s wearing a thin glass entered. “I regreted my actions towards the way I treated Bryce. Treating him as an outsider rather than a family. I felt sorry for him”

“What do you think Carlos?”

“I do not have the right to answer to your question my lord but in my thoughts try to be a better person for him” his secretary and butler Carlos answered while standing straight infront of the door. “I suggest be the one that he can lean on and be the person he'll look up to, try to be a better father”

“Thank you Carlos I'll keep that in mind”

“It's a pleasure to be praise master”

“Now what's my schedule for today?” Carlos walked towards him and take out a tablet where it written the complete schedule. “You have a meeting with Mr. Alcott in the next two hours which means you have one hour free time”

HIDDEN FILES 2 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon