Chapter 14

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"Well..." I try to sound as serious as possible. "It could certainly be worse." I can hear Charlie catch his breath which makes me crack. Laughing I say "I'm just mocking you." Charlie picks up his speed for a moment so now he's only inches away from me. "You'll regret that" he says in a dark, very sexy, voice that makes me forget how to breath for a second. Remembering my initial plan I try to gather myself. "Alright, so here's what we'll do. Remember that figure we did together?" Charlie nods but he doesn't seem to have picked up what I'm planing yet. "You're me now. Once you can do that easily I'd say you should be able to skate elegantly." I can see realization form on his face, his eyes widening. "Not a chance!"

That's the moment I burst into laughter. The expression on Charlie's face... the pure horror... it's just too funny. "You should see your face" I try saying through my laughter. By now my tummy is hurting. It takes me a moment to keep it together again but then I say "Ok fine, but you can do a spiral at least." Charlie shakes his head incredulously but says "If you can teach me that then you're truly incredible." I don't know why but the way he said that makes me blush. In that moment I decide that I will definitely teach him that, even if it's the last thing I'll do, simply because it would make me look incredible in his eyes. Damn, my life was much easier when I though we were just friends.

"We will never talk about today again!" Charlie softly nudges me as we walk up to our classrooms. I pretend to seal my lips and throw away the key which earns me a really cute chuckle from Charlie. "I'll see you later." I turn to leave. "Mia..." I turn back around to Charlie, who's now already a few steps away from me. "Will you come to practice today?" I shrug, trying to appear casually, not letting slip that it warms my heart that he asked. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." Before he has a chance to continue what he is about to do I add "No no no. Don't even try the lost puppy move."

Of course he does so anyways. Omg, I swear I couldn't refuse anything he asks when he's looking like that. His hands in his pocket, his head tilted down just slightly, looking up with those cute eyes and this little small almost unnoticeable pout. I crack a smile and shake my head at him. Without saying anything I turn around and walk away because I know I'd say yes in the blink of an eye if I looked at him any longer.

Sarah is already in our classroom when I enter. Of course she is, she's a very responsible student and she's taking the school bus so she has no other choice. There are still a few minutes left before class starts so I sit down next to her. "Good Morning." - "Good Morning. Have you been at the rink?" I nod slightly. "With Charlie?" she adds carefully. I remember how I snapped at her yesterday when she brought him up and I hate myself for making her feel like that's something we can't talk about. "Yeah... Sarah, I'm sorry about yesterday." - "Mia it's ok." I shake my head slightly.

"It's not. You're my best friend and I had no right to snap at you like that." Now she is the one that's nodding. I can see our teacher enter the classroom so I say "Let's talk about it later." Sarah's eyes turn hopeful. I know she hates it as much as me when there's something standing between us. "Wanna go to another hockey practice with me? We'd have plenty of time to talk there." I watch her expression carefully and I can tell she's fighting the urge to make a comment about me going to yet another hockey practice but she doesn't and I love her for it. "Sure" is all she says.

I completely forgot that Lukas is at that hockey practice too. When Sarah and I walked in and sat down on the bleachers he shot us a quick smile and it took all my strength to not shoot a deadly look back. Luckily, Sarah was so caught in his smile she didn't realize the sudden tension I vibrated. Charlie on the other hand didn't miss it. He shot me a concerned look. The second I looked at him it wasn't hard to smile anymore. The moment I smiled at him he did smile back and that small smile was reason enough for my heart to skip a beat. "So...?" I turn my attention to Sarah. "You were right." A pleased smile builds on Sarah's lips.

"Don't say it!" I know exactly what she was just about to say. "Oh come on!" We're both fighting against laughing. "Ok fine." The brightest smile builds on her lips as she says "I knew it." I shake my head smiling too when something in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I turn my focus to the rink to see Charlie and Lukas being in opposing teams. I know nothing will happen but it makes me feel really uneasy to watch the two of them. "Mia? Can't you look away from him for a few seconds?" Sarah's voice is teasing and I'm glad she doesn't realize how tense I am. I really wish I could tell her about what Lukas did but I really shouldn't. I force my lips into a smile. "You know I really hate it when you're right." In this case I truly do. I wish she was wrong about this. There's literally no point. He'll be gone in a little over a week. "I love it." I roll my eyes at her but I know she does.

As Cold As Ice // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now