Everything is new

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"Bye veronica" I jump out the car as we reach the mall. I grab my purse and bid goodbye, Veronica just rolls her eyes at me muttering under her breath before speeding off to meet her friend abbey at Starbucks.
I walk into the mall. Wow it's huge. Where to first. I look around searching for a shop that caught my eye. The music shop.
I rush over there and take a look around, I pick up a guitar,picks,tuner,extra strings and a song book. I used to play guitar but when me and Veronica had an argument she grabbed my guitar and smashed it.
I pay for my things and walk to the sports shop. I look for a nice skateboard seeing as I forgot to pack mine. I really love skateboarding. I find this really cool one with a skull and flames coming out of it. Perfect and it will go with my image.
I go to HMV and grab a few more CD's by some of the artists luke told me to listen to. They were really good. I also get about a million posters of all the bands I like and I asked at the cash register
"where would you recommend to buy band merch."
"Oh there's this great place upstairs it's called well a pretty obvious name it called band merch haha" the young cashier said
I thank her and walk to the shop. I finally find it and grab afew tees, bracelets and what not.
After all my shopping I start to feel a bit peckish. I look for a KFC and luckily there was one quite close to me.
I walk into KFC there was no queue thanks god.
"Hello may I take your order"
"Yeah am hi can I get the chicken fillet and a Oreo krushem" I stand back and wait for my food.
It wasn't that long I take it and find a seat by the window. I begin to walk over there until I hear someone shout something I don't know who they were talking to but it wasn't me so I continue walking and take a seat. The next thing I know someone sits beside me.
"Hey your amm star right? Veronica's sister. You meet luke at the airport. Luke hemmings?" The beautiful blonde stranger sitting across from me asked.
I look at her confused telling her to continue because I have no clue how she knows me.
" Well I'm holly, holly hemmings Luke's sister. I'm seventeen and when luke got home yesterday he ran into my room and woke me up. He said that he meet Veronica's sister star and that you were nothing like her. That your pretty, kind,funny and super nice where as Veronica is a self consistent bitch who only cares about herself and her click, she's queen bee."
I nod confused why luke said I was pretty compared to Veronica but I brush it off. I was getting hungry do I start to eat as holly continue's.i need to tell her my name was sky not star burin was to funny
"Luke said that if I see you at school to talk to you because you don't know anyone. I wish you were in my year I'm in my second last year and your in your last year like luke." She pouted.I stop eating to speak.
"Thank you and AMM my name is sky not star but it's okay and how did you know it was me." I ask as she blushes by making a stupid mix up in my name.
"Am well uh on the plane.....this is gonna sound weird but let me explain. So you were asleep on the plane and luke thought you looked so cute asleep so he quickly took a picture of you so that ifhe never saw you again he had a picture" I start to blush at that.I finish up my food and drink my krushem.
"So what you up to do you wanna hang out with me and my friend katie. To be honest I know I just meet you but I think we're going to be really good friends" she gives me a tight hug and I smile as we walk out to where a girl names katie was. She had long jet black hair pushed back with a hairpiece, big dangling diamond shaped earrings,a white top that had something written on it, black jeans. She had abit of make up on and she was as pretty as holly.
"That was so much fun hanging out with you sky. We should do it again soon. I hope we have a class together." Holly gave me a hug and so did katie. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet up soon.
At least I have friends now. I grab my skate board out of one of my bags. I make sure all the bags in my hand are gripped tightly and I start to skateboard home because I knew Veronica didn't want to pick me up. It only took 10 minutes. When I got home it was about 5pm already.
" Hi mom I already ate so I'm just gonna go up to my room and sort some things out." I rush up the stairs into my room.
I take out my posters and some blue-tack. I attack my wall with posters till there's not a single bit of wall showing. I go to my shelves and set up the CD's. I put my skateboard behind the door and guitar by my bed. I change into sweatpants and vest top and throw my hair up out my face. I grab my laptop and put Netflix on. I have a lot of TV programmes to catch up on. I put skins on and watch a bit of that then a bit of pretty little liars until it's quite late. The time difference hasn't hit me yet so im fine. I start to get tired so I turn the laptop off and put it away before jumping into bed and snuggling up and falling straight to sleep. First day in LA wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I got some cool stuff and made two friends. I think I might actually enjoy my time here.
( first day of school)
" Get up sweetheart you need to get ready for school" my mum opens my curtains letting the light blind me. Great first day of my new image with my new friends in a new school. As soon as I adjusted to the lighting I got up.
I put my black skinny jeans that have a rip on the left knee on, 1975 tee,beanie, black vans, studded leather jacket,choke chain, my blink-182,nirvana and all time low bracelets on, I put 2 coats of mascara on as well as my eyeliner on my waterline,eyelid and a wing on each eye.
I grab my phone,purse and put it in my pocket. I also get my skateboard and school bag with my books and timetable. I rush downstairs.
" Veronica has already left I can bring you if you want." My mum shouts from the kitchen.
"No it's ok I'm gonna walk and stop at Starbucks on the way." I say bye and leave for start bucks it's only 8am now so I have loads of time. Once I reach Starbucks I get a Carmel latte to go. I head to school preparing myself for what lies ahead.
I go to reception." Hi excuse me I'm new here I was wonder where I should go." I try to ask without sounding dumb. The woman smiled at me. "Ahh yes sky is it let me just get someone to show you around hold on." She rushed out if the room while I stood there awkwardly. She came back in a few minutes later with someone.
"Sky this is luke hemmings. He will be showing you around. His in afew of your subjects and the ones his not in im sure you can find. Good luck I hope you enjoy your time here and luke please show sky her locker and be nice." Luke smiled at me as we walk to the locker room. At least luke is in my class. Now I have someone to speak to. Oh no he saw me on the plane when I was the old me that he liked what if he doesn't like the new real me. I hope he does like me.
"This is your locker.what subject do you have?" He points to the locker beside us and I put in the code that was written on the back of my timetable. I open my locker and put all my books in except the ones I need right now.
"Amm I have option class (class that you choose) so music. How about you." I take out my folder, music book and copy as well as my pencil case. I put them in my bag and close my locker. My mum told me last night that you have a 10 minute break before each class so I can get my books for the next subject then.
"I have music to. Do you play anything or" we walk towards are music room.
"Yeah I play guitar. I would ask you but I already know because you told me on the plane over to here." He smiled. " Oh actually I forgot to tell you I listened to the CD's and their really good. Your band is so good." I take a seat at the back of the music room and luke sits beside me.he waves at 3 other boys and they take there seats.
"Morning class I'm Mrs Burke and I'll be your teacher for the
Year. We have a new student today it sky waters here." I put my hand up and the teacher tells me to come up infront if the class. I give luke a nervous look and he gives me a reassuring smile. I walk up to the front of the class.
"Class this is sky she just moved here from England and I want you all to be nice okay sky go sit down." I look at all the faces in the classroom most of them falling asleep obviously going to bed late. I seat back down beside luke. For the rest of class all we did was learn about notes and their names.*ding ding* the bell went and we took down are home work before going off to are lockers. I wait for luke to pack up and we walk to the locker room. We go to lukes first and he puts books into his locker and some out of his locker. Once he's done we go to mine and I do exactly the same as luke.
"Oh I meet your sister holly and her friend katie yesterday. They're very nice. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up soon" I lose my Locker.
"Oh amm what class do you have now. I have English. Do you have that to?"
I nod my head and we walk to English which was on the 3rd floor.
"Amm what did you and holly talk about?How did you meet?"
He asked nervously scratching the back of his nek and playing with his lip ring between his teeth. I smile at how nervous he was.
"She came up to me in KFC a and said was I star the girl who was on the plan with Luke. I told her that my name is sky and how did she know me. She said that when you went home that you woke her up and told her all about me and showed her a picture. I don't remember taking a picture on his phone I said. She laughed and said that I was asleep and you thought I looked ute sleeping so you took a quick picture so that way if we never saw each other again you'd have a picture"
I blush as I say the last bit and so does Luke.
" fucking hate holly sometimes" he mutters as we enter English. We sit beside each other at the back row. The 3 boys luke waved at earlier are here and they smirk at luke and mutter details. Luke replies back I'll text you later. I wonder what that's about. The teacher walks in.
"Hello class I'm Mr butler." Haha but haha I'm so immature🍑🍑
" I hope you not to comfy in your seats because I'm moving you into alphabetical order starting with first names."
Great I can't sit beside Luke my only friend here. Luke gives me a sympathetic look obviously he knows what I'm thinking. I pout and grab my bag.
"Okay ashton and Angela at the front. Andy and Alec next. Abbey and look like your beside Calum abbey seeing as there's no moe a or b names."
Abbey hmm I wonder is that Veronica's friend she was on the phone to when she drop me at the mall yesterday. The teacher onto continues until Luke is called his sitting beside a girl called Jennifer. She gives him a smile and batters her eyelashes *cough* flirt much *cough*.
Luke smiles bak at her. Right and last is sky your beside Michael oh and sky, welcome to are school." The teacher points to this Michael dude and I go sit beside him.
His pretty good looking he has blue hair which looks awesome and he has an eyebrow piercing. He is wearing a blink-182 shirt and black skinny jeans ripped up along the front.
"Hey I'm Michael Clifford" he gives me a smile and let me tell you right now between us okay no one else. Right there and then when he smiled God did my ovaries burst and I'm not even exaggerating.
"Hey I'm sky waters" I take my books out and he looks kinda surprised. He is probably saying omg look at her compared to her hot sister.
" Your Veronica's sister you?" Great here we go. I'm kinda pissed off at this because he sounds so surprise. I know I'm not as pretty as her but no need to make it obvious.
"Yes and I'm tying to faking listen so if you old keep your shitty thoughts your fucking self I'd give much thanks asshole." I turn away from him to look at the front of the class but when I look everyone was staring at me shit including the teacher and Luke.
Luke gives me a 'what happened. Tell me after' look I just nod at him.
"Sky waters I do not like language like that in my classroom even though your new doesn't mean your an exception to the rules." I roll my eyes and sigh at him giving me a lecture everyone was still looking at me. Will they ever fuck off and mind their own business.
"You are disturbing my class. Go to the offie now!" He shouts at me.
I grab my things. Michael has an amused smile on his face and I flip him off. The classroom filled with ohhhhhh and she did not just do that. I was getting pretty pissed of now.
"Oh I just fucking did do that so shut your the fuck up you little shits and mind your fucking business." I get up from my place and I hear some girls whispering
"Isn't that Veronica's sister. How does she put up with such a sister."
My blood began to boil more and more. " Shut your fat gobs and go back to sucking some ones dick you fucking plastic whores because I don't want to listen to bullshit from all you cows" I get up and walk. Across the room and the girls that I just snapped at gasp in shock at what I just said.
"Sky that's enough of that get out" the teacher shouts again and I smile.
"Been a pleasure sir and great meeting all you fucktards but I've got better things to do then stay here so I'll see you around shitheads." I take a ow and afew people laugh. I turn to luke and mouth I'll text him. He nods. The teacher looks very unamused
"Right we'll see ya later motherfuckers" I slam he door and try find the office to get a detention for after school.
I text luke as I sat in the office
Hey I'm just waiting at the offie now.
Luke the penguin:
What happened with you and Mikey
When I told him I was Veronica's sister he acted shock and it annoyed me 😕
Luke the penguin:
Why 😶
I'm sick of people going your not Veronica's sister. Just because I'm ugly and she's perfect and ur shocked doesn't mean u hav to show it😤😖
Luke the penguin:
Who said your ugly?😡
No one I just know there thinking it😫
Luke the penguin:
No one is thinking that sky as soon as you come out of the office come to me okay we need to talk 😔
Ok bye luke
Luke the penguin:
I love you okay (best friend kinda way)
(A/n Sure luke it's meant as a friend way😉)
Love you two poo xx

A/n this has got over 90 reads already thank you guys that's a lot. I love writting this book and I hope you like reading it. What do you think of katie, holly and how luke took a pic of sky on the plane. ❤️❤️☺️👌☺️👌☺️❤️❤️ I think someone has a crush awwwwww. How do you think school will go for her from now on. Do you think Veronica will ever become friendly with sky again.

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