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"I better get home now otherwise my mum be on to us leaving school" I say getting up of lukes bed. Eww I know what your think you have a dirty mind we weren't doing anything other then talking and sitting on his bed ok." What are you gonna tell her" Luke asks getting abit nervous about what his own mother will say." I'll try sweeten her up fist and then tell her and she might not be so bad." I say after a few minutes of thinking up a good plan." What about you what will your parents say" I ask Luke. A wave of guilt rushes over me because I never thought about how Lukes parents will react to this what if I got him in trouble." Don't worry I'll figure something out" he gives me a reassuring smile and then a hug goodbye." Okay call me when you tell your parents and I'll do the same and if we're grounded then we'll try figure away to see each other okay" I tell Luke as I grab my stuff and go out the door. I had to walk home today because I left my skateboard in my locker back at school. My house was only about 10-20 minute walk anyways. Luke offered to dive me but I told him no incase his mum gets back from work to see Luke's not home he'll be in more trouble then he already is. When I finally reach my house the doors locked which means Veronica isn't home she's probably with Abbie somewhere and mum was out. I check every door and window to see if their locked. They all were so I looked into the house through the window to see if there was an alarm. After checking through every window and rechecking I couldn't see an alarm. I go to my back door to make it less obvious and out of everyone's view. I open my school bag and take out this thing that looked like a normal purse to any naked eye but if you look more closely you'll see in fact it's not a pure it's a kit. A kit you might found a thief would have. In this kit I had a pick lock set,thing to deactivate any alarms and to open safes and a self defence knife and more things incase I needed them. I take out the picklock kit to use on my door. Unfortunately I have use this kit many times to break into places and can unlock my back door in the space of 40 seconds.once the doors unlocked I go inside and go up to my room. I decide not to do my homework because if I'm suspended then what's the point. I check my mums emails to see if the school have emailed me to say that I'm suspended (I hacked into her emails so if the school have sent a email I can delete it before my sees it) and to my luck they have.
Dear Mrs waters,
Unfortunately this email was not sent for good work from your daughter sky who has recently joined this shook in fact it's exactly the opposite. I'm sorry to tell you but today your daughter got into a fight with one of are top a students kayla (a/n don't remember what her last name was oops) and your daughter decided that violence is the answer and punch are star pupil causing a severe injury not only did she resolve to violence she also violated her woodwork teacher (a/n I think violated is the right word idk tbh) after she did this her and a fellow student of ours both ran out of school and never return. I assume that skyler will be. Several punished by you and she is. Suspended for two days max but if skyler continues to cause a riot she will be permanently expelled thank you for taking your time to read this
From principal of rush more.
Ewwww they called me skyler omg I I hate when people call me by my birth name everyone calls me. Sky unless I'm in trouble. Okay let me see. Click this do this send email to my email address and delete the email off mums email thing and done. No need for that anymore. " Sky you home" I I hear my mum shout from downstairs. Shit I need to log off mums email and shut the laptop down open a few my books so it looks like I was doing homework and put my earphones on and listen to m,using so if mum comes. Upstairs it looks like I didn't hear her call cause my earphones and I was doing homework.after a few minutes I walked downstairs towards the kitchen where my mum was. "Hey mum do you need any help" I asked as innocent as possible the only reason I was doing this is to butter her up."am yes could you clean around the basement please hun" great great great that's where she's been abusing Veronica. The thoughts going through my mind I was thinking that there were probably torture machines down here. I walk down the stairs and switch on the light scared of what I'd see. When I turn the light on all I see is a massive room with a dressing table, wardrobe, bed and cabinets. The only thing wrong was it was all dusty down here."mum!" I shout up to her as an idea pops into my head." If I clean up down here can I have it as my bedroom and I'll buy what I need with my own money." This room was twice the size of my original one so hopefully she says yes because then she can't abuse Veronica down here and I get a massive room everyone wins."sure honey" yes yes yes 100 times yesssssssssssssssssssss. I run up the stairs to my room through everything into my suitcase and into boxes and then bring them down to my new room. After I have everything down I put it into one corner till the whole room is clean. It takes about 100 years before the place is spic and span and everything is all set up. I fall onto my bed then all of a sudden I see a black door by the walls. "Adventure time." I think as I see the door. I grab my phone and FaceTime Luke so he can see what is behind the door and if I die or get raped I have a witness. "Yo Luke look there's a door in my new room so we're going on an adventure." I say as he answers the call and I turn the camera to the door. I walk through the door and it leads into an alleyway that led into our backyard.
"Oh my god Luke I just got a great idea" I tell him as I walk back into my room. I close all the doors I my room before telling him my plan. "Okay so my plan is in the morning I'll walk out my house and meet you as normal but instead of going to school we sneak back into my room through the door in my room and then we wait quietly in my room til my mum leaves for work and then when my mum is finished work we sneek back out and pretend that we just came back from school so then we don't have to tell my mum" I say with lukes agreement to the plan I hang up the call and go eat dinner with mum. Veronica's still not home yet my said she'll probably stay at abbeys tonight because she's a it upset. After dinner I go back to my room and look on my social media after that I fell so tired and decide to go to sleep.
(A/n guys today I only realised that this chapter was cut off halfway through so I edited as much as I could remember and wrote it on this chapter I'm solo sorry about this)

Fix me (luke hemmings fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin