Happy birthday

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I woke up to my annoying Alarm going off at 7 am. I had to keep it on because otherwise my mum will realise that I have been suspended and that wasn't part of my plan.I decided to text Luke to make sure the plan was still on and we were meeting around the block at my house. He said yes so it was sorted and I'd be leaving at 8. I had a shower and got ready wearing a black crop top that says to cool for school, black sorts with bits coming off, black vans and glasses. I put on mascara and pink lip gloss. To finish it all off I decide to clip in afew blue strips into my hair and wohla finished. It was now 8am so I grabbed my phone, purse and essentials and throw then into my handbag before going upstairs to the kitchen."morning mom I'm gonna get breakfast with Luke on the way to school see you later love you". I give her a quick kiss and head out. Veronica still wasn't home but I was t really worried I'm sure she stayed at her friends last night. I walk off towards Luke. I wanted to use my skateboard but I forgot it was in my locker at school great. I finally got to where Luke was. I was afew meters away and instead of shouting his name to get his attention I decide to make a reverted face till he noticed. I kept walking closer and closer to him and he never noticed I was right beside him I lean my face forward to his cheek nd he turned to face me and jumped backwards obviously getting a scare when he saw my perverted face. He just laughed at me and pushed me away from him."ok so your mom leaves for work at nine so if we go get Starbucks and hang around there till then and then go back to yours." Luke went over the plan to make sure we were all good to go and then we were off to Starbucks."you go get us seats I'll get the drinks" Luke said walking towards the queue while I looked for seats.i found us a seat and sat down. Luke knew me so well he even knew my Starbucks order and I knew his. He finally came back and gave me my drink. On the cup it said happy 17th birthday sky.tears formed in my eyes this was the first time in 5 years anyone remembered my birthday."thank you Luke, how did you know" I give him a hug and drink my amazing latte."you told me ages ago but sky why did you never mention it and why were you about to cry if I may ask" Luke said looking into my eyes with a genuine face." I'm telling you this because I trust you luke" I made it clear that it was very private. He nodded so I continue what I was saying."when I turned 13, 5 years ago, it was the day my parents got divorced and moved to different parts of the world. The day me and my sister got separated, the day me and my sister stopped talking to each other, the day I got depression and anxiety. From that day on my birthday was just a memory of my parents divorce. I never celebrated it or got presents my parents and relatives forgot about it two so I just left it." I wipe a tear from my cheek as I finish the story."sky I'm sorry but that is no reason why you shouldn't have a good time" Luke said giving me a hug. We decided to walk into town and get something for o my birthday."you should do something that will remind your parents that they forgot your birthday" Luke said giving me the best idea." I have and idea follow me" I say running towards the hairdressers. "Hello I'd like to get my hair dyed light pink please." I say to the receptionist and sit Luke on a chair to wait. The receptionist lead me to a chair and mirror where a hairdresser came over."so what would you like" she asked looking and feeling my hair. " I want to dye it light pink like a pastel kinda pink" she nods and gets started. One she's finished she shows me it and I absolutely love it. I thank her and give her the money."well what you think then needle cock" I ask Luke as we walk out the door."its its really nice" he stutters looking at me."right next. It's to somewhere that does piercings." I say looking at the shops.luke looked abit woried." Don't you think dying your hair was crazy enough I don't want you in trouble" Luke says concerned. I put my hand over his shoulders." Luke my dear we're just getting started" I smile at him to show it was fine and he eased up abit and laughed with me."hi would you be able to pierce my stomach, nose and lip please" I asked the man at the counter. He lead me to a seat and picked up the piercing gun or whatever it's called."how old are you miss" he asked looking at me."17 today" I replied. He nodded and began to pierce me.haha Pierce me that sounds funny to me I don't know why. It hurt like hell but the piercings i picked out were gorgeous. I pay him and off me and Luke go again." Now what" Luke asked wearily I just laugh at him."home time" I say having a plan in my head.luke relaxed knowing we were going home."oh shit I. Forgot I had to stop at Target to get afew things for mum. She said on my way home from school to pick it up." I lie completely toluene knowing he won't like what we're gonna do. So we walk to target to get my supplies before the big surprise.
Heyyyyyy guys I had a chapter or. Two ready for this book but wattpad. Deleted them and is being a bitch and not letting me put up pictures in the book also my iPad is playing up and putting capital letters orfull stops in middle of sentences or leaving letters out of words so sorry about that and any typos guess what ok my cousin is in Japan for9 months at a boarding school she got a scholarship and me, my dad and my cousins brother are going over in December to visit her and bing her home whooooo I can't wait. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating but it's summer I've been so busy going places ahahaha who am I kidding I've been home most the time but been to lazy or had writers block but I have been busy for the last week or so going places so I hope you enjoy this shortish hater love you all lots xxxx don't forget to vote and comment

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