Pain it demands to be felt

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I just come out of the office where the principle ranted on about my behaviour. It was lunch now. I head to my locker to get books and put some in after that I walk towards Luke's locker. As I get closer I can see him and he sees me. He runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug.
"Hey" I say as soon as we break apart and head to his locker.
"Are you ok, Sky if anyone ever says something like that to you don't think I'd hesitate to kick their ass. You are one of my friends and that means I won't let no one hurt you." I smile at how sweet he is.
"Thank you and it's ok"
We head off to the cafeteria to get lunch.we get in line and I order a pizza and luke orders the same.
"Amm Sky you know the guy you were sitting beside Michael?" He scratches the back of his neck.
"Yeah?" I was getting nervous
"Well he is in my band him and two others. Their my best friends"
"Omg I feel so embarrassed" I hide my face in my hands
"I was wondering if we could did with them I know Mikey never meant to do what he did on purpo-"
I cut Luke off ."yes of course but what if they don't like me."
We head towards a table filled with 3 boys who looked popular. Wait is Luke popular.
"I'm sure they love you" luke takes my hand and squeezes it to comfort me.
We sit at the table. I sit beside Luke and across from us were the other 3 boys.i look at my lap feeling really uncomfortable. Luke squeezes my hand again before talking.
"Guys this is my friend sky, Sky this is Michael ,Calum and Ashton." He points to the boys and introduces them. They give me a nod and I smile at them.
"Hi Amm Michael I'm sorry about snapping at you in English. It's just I'm really insecure and when you acted shocked about me being Veronica's sister I got annoyed" I explain what happened. Luke smiles at me.
"It's ok I'm sorry two." He gives me a reassuring smile.
" I thought you were so cool lashing out at everyone in English. That was some badass move." Calum said eagerly. I laugh along with the others.After I was finished apologising i dig into my delicious pizza.
" So how did you two become friends?" Ashton asked. I decided luke could answer because my pizza is way to nice.
"Well when I was coming home from England I meet Sky at the airport and we had the same seats then after the flight I brought her shopping and drove her home. Today I was told to show her around seeing as I'm in most her classes."
They all nod there heads. We talk about a few bands,pizza and music before lunch was finished. Me and Luke head off to art. I love art I'm pretty good at it. When we get there we sit in the middle row hoping we wouldn't get moved. We didn't want a rerun of what happened in English.
Soon the teacher came in." Hello class I'm Mrs heart and today I want you to draw something that expresses you." Easy all I have to do is do one of those really tumbler pictures that describes me.
I did one in less then 5 seconds. I was really into this express yourself in a picture so I did another 3 really deep pictures. By the time I was finished the last one luke was just done his. It was a picture of 5 people 4 boys and a girl. 3 of the boys were hitting her and the other boy was holding her and had his heart in his hand. I wonder what luke was trying to show (hmmmm I wonder you stupid oblivious bitch he likes you and his bandmates are hurting you. Just Fuck him already Sky)
In my pictures the first was a picture of a girl holding a sign saying I'm ugly. The second was a girls in a shop with coffee saying I feel nothing. The third was a the back of a head and the brain wrapped around its neck. It said your thoughts it what kills you. The last one was a girl holding a piece of paper with barbies face on it up to her own face.
"Ok class is finished please hand up your pictures and I'll see you tomorrow" I hand up my pictures and me and luke leave. We go to the lockers.
"What you have now? I have maths" luke puts his copy's away and gets out his maths book. We walk over to my locker and I get out my gee an book out.
"Aww I have german, which means we're not on the same class. What do you have after maths? I have pe And then home" I pout at luke as we walk up the stairs to the 2nd floor because maths and german were up there.
"I have pe next too. Do you wanna hang out after school?" Omg what should I say?yes?no?maybe? Amm ok play it cool
"Yeah sure I'll just tell Veronica I'm not going home with her. She'll be happy with that anyways.
I wave goodbye to luke and go into german. We were seated in alphabetical order so I was beside kayla wynne. She was so pretty with blonde hair. She was definitely popular. I bet all the boys luv her.
"Hey I'm kayla. Are you new here?"
"Hey yeah I'm Sky nice to meet you" she gives me a smile that I politely return.
"Cool so have you made any friends yet?"
"Yeah I met Luke hemming's on the way here from England and I met his sister holly and her friend katie at the mall yesterday and I had a brief conversation with Luke's friends Calum, Michael and Ashton" her smile faded but quickly came back trying to hide it.
"Cool isn't luke the best? I absolutely love him to bits and his sister is so nice especially to me always making sure luke has the best which ofcourse he does considering I'm his girlfriend and all" she gives a nasty smile before turning away from me. Did she just say girlfriend wait but holly said luke liked me.bhow could he like me when he has a girlfriend?
I sone out completely all through german thinking about what kayla said. At pe I try to avoid luke which was hard considering he was on my team. As soon as school was finished I get changed out of my pe gear get my stuff out my locker and leave. I had told Veronica earlier to leave without me so I got me skateboard and skated home. I wasn't hanging out with luke because I wasn't up to it after knowing he had a girlfriend.
As soon as I got home I ran upstairs and fell asleep. The time difference was starting to hit me and I was extremely tired. I woke up to my phone beeping signalling I had a text. I check the time it was 5pm. I slept an hour
4:30pm:Luke the penguin: where did you go I waited by your locker and you never came :( thought we were hanging out :'(
Am I felt sick and went home. Sorry I never text I fell asleep.:/ I meet your girlfriend today kayla. She's in my german class, she sits beside me. She's really cool I guess. Luke why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend :(
5:02pm : Luke the penguin
Kayla isn't my gf well she was. We broke up during the summer but she's not over me but I'm way over her. I swear Sky nothing is going on. If there was Id tell you, Sky your my best friend I'd tell you anything:) luv ya <3
5:04pm : me :
Oh right sorry it's just when she said it she seemed genuine:/ ino you'd tell me anything and I'd tell you anything because that's what bffs do luv ya 2 ❤️ I'm so glad I meet you at the airport 😘
I shut my phone off and do my homework. Mom calls me for dinner. I go down and take a bite of dinner not feeling hungry I go back to my room and watch American horror story until I fall asleep.
A/n ughh I'm sick omg I write I'm dick by mistake instead of sick 😂😂 I hope you like this chapter yeah so now you meet kayla who is played by emineams daughter hailie mathers. She doesn't really like Sky as you can see do you guys ship lucky because I ship them so much like I'm luky af do you think they should get together sorry if this is shit it's 2am and I have school tomorrow but I wanted to update for you guys ily also please comment & vote :)
ps Ino it's really short but it's kinda a filler I promise the next chap b better

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