Leg it

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I wake up to my alarm ringing. I turn it off and try get out of bed. I turn to face Veronica but she's not there, where is she it's only 8am. Maybe she's downstairs, I get up and go into the shower and then get dressed into the clothes I put out last night, also do all my make up and grab my phone and earphones along with my bag before heading downstairs for breakfast.
"Morning hunny" my mum looks up from her magazine when she sees me. I can't look at her the same after what Veronica told me."morning" I say bitterly "where's Veronica?" I look around but she's not there. " Oh you just missed her, she left early for school to meet up with her boyfriend" what she left without me that's weird. Oh well I guess I'll just skate to school again. I check the time 8:30, I'll stop at Starbucks and grabs caramel latte before school. I grab my bag, board before slamming the front door. I take out my phone and plug my head phones in, I put my music on shuffle. The first song plays which was canals by all time low as I skate down the road to Starbucks. Once my lattes ready I skate to school. I pick up my board just as I reach the entrance of school and start drinking my latte. I walk off towards my locker to get my books and put my skateboard away. As I'm walking to my locker I see a tall figure leaning against it.
"Hey sky, what took you so long I've been here 10 minutes" luke embraces me into a hug as soon as I reach him. I open my locker throwing my skateboard and unwanted books.
"Sorry I stop at Starbucks for a Carmel latte. What do you have first class" I rummage through my locker for a copy and book. I put them in my bag after checking my timetable.
"Oh give me some ya latte and I have wood work next, your in my class for it" luke grabs my latte and drinks it before I can protest. We head off to class not stoping at Lukes locker because he got his things when I was still on my way to school. "Luuuuuuke give me back my latte" I whine because he's hogging it all. He laughs at me and gives it back. I drink the last bit of it before are teacher arrives. The bell rings and the seats around us begin to fill up. All of a sudden I see this girl with blonde hair wearing a crop top, mini skirt,handbag and heels walk into the class.'am sorry girl I think you got the wrong class this is woodwork not a strippers club' ohhhh that burn was so good but I didn't say it because I realised who the whore was. It had to be of course the one and only Kayla as in Lukes ex most popular girl and prettiest/richest girl at school kayla. "Great the whore parade has arrived" e mutters. I let out a quiet snigger but she notices and gives me a death glare before bringing her gaze to luke and smiling. She runs over to the spare seat beside him(I was on one side of him and there was a spare seat on the other side of him)
"Hey pukey" kayla says in the most irritating voice ever. It makes me want to puke it's that revolting.luke rolls his eyes.
"Hi" luke says bitterly obviously annoyed she's here. Well at least it's not just me who hates her."luke why you so stroppy" she says in a whiny voice. Maybe because he hates you just like I do bitch. "Why are you here kayla this is woodwork,you don't like building stuff" luke huffs with annoyance in his tone. She looks at me and luke confused.
"Why are you two beside each other and I thought I'd try woodwork because it's something new hehe" she giggles the squeakiest giggle and flips her hair." Can I please punch her omg she's so annoying " I whisper to luke through gritted teeth. He laughs and nods his head." We're beside each other because we're best friends, you know because I thought why not try be friends with luke because he's cool hehe" I say mocking her giggle and flip my hair. She rolls her eyes and turns away from us to talk to someone else. Thank goddddddd. Luke turns towards me so his back is to kayla. He starts doing an impression of Kayla with what poses she does and stuff and I laugh then i do it but this time kayla looks at us and she's me mimicking her so stop and she turns to the girls beside her and whispers (abit load) "I'm gonna kill here, if she thinks she's going to get away with that she's wrong. I would beat the shit out of her right now but I don't want Luke to see me killing his friend" she stares straight at me and I flip her off. Just then the teacher walks in and she's me hiving kayla the middle finger."hello clas- you young lady what's your name" the teacher walks in and stops mid sentence to give out to me for flipping kayla off, great." Sky sir,Sky waters" I say as kayla giggles and whispers to get friend probably about that I'm Gonna get inTrouble and to be honest I don't give two shits of I get in trouble or not. I give kayla a death glare after I answer the teacher." Well Mrs waters I think you should head to the office because your being disruptive and disrespectful to other students" he sags and I can see from the corner of my eye kayla smirking.
" Well sir I think that you don't know the half of it and if you did you'd be telling the two faced whore over there and not me I o go to the office ." I point at kayla and give her a big smile as the teacher gasps at my "use of language"
Luke looks at me. " Please don't piss him off , I don't want you to be in any more trouble." He whispers he sounded so genuine and it made me feel bad but not bad enough to stop. I whisper back to him " I know I shouldn't but you know me and kayla deserves it as well as the teacher for giving out when he wasn't even here"
"How dare you Mrs sky violate a student like that get out of my class now" he screams. " Fine sky since you've already pissed the teacher off make it a bit entertaining and worth it yeah" luke smiles and gives me a high-five under the table, I nod my head before responding to the teacher
"Well if I'm truly honest sir I think I'd rather stay in my seat then leave but thanks for the offer and I didn't violate that student if anything that slut came up to me and literally harassed me for sitting here" I put my legs up on the desk and cross them over. I go into my pocket take out a piece of gum and pop it in my mouth and then cross over my arms while blowing a huge bubble into the teachers face.
"Don't give me that cheek young lady and Im absolutely sure kayla didn't harass you over where your seating. Kayla is to innocent to even hurt a fly" kayla smiled a innocent smile at me. I get it she's one of those girls who act kind and innocent in front of adults and are completely crazy when there's no adults around or in this case their complete bitches when adults aren't around. I feel like get up to punch kayla in the face a few times leaving her face oozing with blood. She would screams along with other students but I don't do it.
" That two faced slut innocent oh my god you make me laugh so fucking much stop please it's to much your so funny. Do you see what she's fucking wearing. Literally it's so short it's not even consider a crop top it's just abit of fabric that is barely covering her boobs and a skirt so short when she sits down you can see her thongs and she has so much make up & tan on you can barely tell it's her, don't even get me started on her 12inch heels we're at school for fuck sake" I point at her clothes as her face goes bright red and luke sniggers beside me and Kayla glares at him. He stops when he she's her staring at him. I just brush it off because I'm in my bitch ass boss mode and if someone pisses me off then I'll be more stubborn then usual and will make sure I win the argument and never speak to that person again like I said I'm a stubborn little shit.
" We let kayla wear what she likes to express herself and if the clothes,shoes,tan and makeup make her feel confident about herself then she is allowed, now sky get out my class or you will be suspended" he says smiling at kayla because she dos this thing to pretend she was upset. How could anyone by this shit is beyond me." You know what sir I think we will go" I look at luke ushering him to get his stuff. "What are you doing" he whispers utterly confused with my plan." Just follow my lead ok" I squeeze his hand."but first sir I think I'd like to do one thing because I know I'm in the wrong" I say with a very genuine tone but it was all bullshit I knew he'd ask me to apologise to kayla but it was part my plan. " Get ready to leg it out of here you got your stuff because if you don't you have to leave it there's no turning back once this is done ok" I whisper to luke to make sure he's ready" he gives me a confused look.
"Ok the thing I'm about to do will probably get us suspended for like a day or two if your alright with that if not then don't follow I don't want to get you in trouble with your parents" I whisper because I know his parents are a bit strict.
"No I'll do it, it's okay" he nods. I get up ready for this plan to go into operation. " Well if you want to show your morals p.ease apologies to kayla and go to the office" the teacher says quite pleased with himself thinking that he has brought me to realise that I'm in the wrong. I get up walk over to kayla and give Luke the signal to get ready. I smile at kayla and she gives me a beaming smile and I lift my arm and punch kayla and blood oozes everywhere and me and Luke legged it out of the classroom. Everyone was to in shock from me hitting kayla to even process that we left. When we got out of the classroom we didn't stop running we kept going right out of the school till we reached Lukes house. His dad was at work and his mom is a teacher at are school. When Luke opens the front door of his house we both collapse to the floor panting for air. Once we finally caught are breath we both looked at each other and burst out laughing at what just happened.
(A/n Heyy guys I'm so so soooooooo sorry I haven't updated in ages it's Easter break yay well it's almost over now ahhhhhhh hope you guys had a lovely Easter,lovely holidays and a lovely day today. Ps sorry this is so late some of you might have saw I sent out a message saying wattpad deleted the chapter but I just got it back I'm so happy xx p.p.s the pic is of kayla played by eminems daughter hailie)

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