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Naida's pov

I watched with nothing but admiration as the calm blue of the ocean crawled along the warm sand of my small cove. The quiet sounds of the ocean meeting the sand were soothing. The ocean was so calm, so smooth, in a world that could only be described as chaotic. It marched to the beat of its own drum, unaffected by human affairs and opinions. It was beautiful, my own little world away from everything else.

"Naida, we need to start heading back soon. Bad will get worried if we're not back I time for dinner." Sam's voice came from behind me.

Sam was my shadow, my guardian angel. He was with me always from the second I came into Bad's care. It was Sam's job to keep me out of harms way, wether that be jumping infront of a blade for me or stopping me from scraping my knees. He was one of my father's closest friends and pretty much a second dad.

"Okay, can we work on the clock when we get back?" I asked, turning my attention away from the ocean.

"Of course we can." Sam said as he knelt down to offer me a hand to get up.

Sam was tall, coming in at 7'4. He had short dark green hair adorned with a golden circlet, almost like a crown. The whites of Sam's eyes were pitch black and his iris a bright forest green. Patches of green littered Sam's skin, the main proof that he wasn't fully human. He wore a black gas mask over the bottom half of his face. He wore a dark green, long sleeved, high collared shirt with gold armour over the top. He paired that with dress pants, boots and fingerless gloves. A bright glowing trident was always clasped tightly in one of his gloved hands, his weapon of choice should he ever need to fight.

"Do you think dad will like it?" I asked.

"Naida he loves anything you give  him. I know it will mean alot to him that you've decided to fix the clock his friend left to him." Sam replied as the two of us began making our way across the sand in the direction of the Palace.

Sam was most likely right. He always was. My father was one of those stereotypical dad's that kept all of their children's artwork from the second they could touch pencil to paper, he had an entire room in the Palace dedicated to it. He kept everything I ever gave him and had an entire bookcase dedicated to photoalbums. He was one of those dads that was over protective and incredibly sentimental.

Our walk back home was mostly quiet, a few words being swapped here and there. When we arrived at the Palace we were greated by my father's personal guard Ant. He jumped down from the walls that were 40 feet tall and landed perfectly on his feet infront of us, his tail flicking side to side behind him.

"There you two are! Bad was having a freak out when I told him you left. He's been pacing the dinning Hall for the past hour." Ant said.

That made me feel bad. I hadn't intended to make him worry.

"I thought that would be the case. Let's get you to him before he panics anymore." Sam said.

"Yeah, and I want food. Fish is on the menu." Ant cheered.

While Sam was like a second Dad Ant was more like an older brother. Ant was kind, introverted and all for causing chaos with me. Like Sam Ant wasn't fully human, that was obvious from the dark brown cat ears protruding from his head and the tail swishing side to side behind him. He was a normal height at 5'7. He had curls of brown and tan hair that slightly covered his ears and bright piercing blue eyes. He was dressed exactly like Sam, except his shirt was the same tan color as his hair. His weapon of choice was a dark purple sword that remained strapped at his waist at all times.

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