White glow

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Naida's pov

After the Ball I stuck to Sam's side like glue as I promised Eret. Sam seemed to approve of that, he was being even more protective of me. Eret also seemed to be more protective, for some reason he really did not want me to talk to his guards or even be in the same room as them.

"Naida, you're distracted. You're going to blow yourself up." Sam said.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." I said as I focused my attention back on the little tnt cannons I was trying to make.

"Anything you want to talk about?" Sam asked.

"Not really, Eret is the only one that has the answers to my questions right now." I replied.

"You love him, don't you?" Sam said.

"I think so, I don't know, skeppy messed me up at the ball and now I'm lost." I replied.

"Just be careful, I love you like you were my own kid and I don't want to watch you get your heart broken. Heart break is the one thing I can't protect you from." Sam said as he pulled me into a hug, resting his chin on my head.

"I know Sammy, I'll be careful." I said.

It was weird to think that I might actually have feelings for someone, that wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to spend my whole life here with my dad playing games and doing redstone. I had promised myself that when I was five and yet here I was, feeling things towards a Prince of another country.

"So this is the workshop." Eret mused as he entered the room.

"Welcome Prince Eret, I recommend you be very careful in here or you might get hurt." Sam said. "We make a lot of things like explosives and such here."

"Oh, is this where all your weaponry gets made?" Eret asked.

"Kind of, its where the ideas come from. Sam and I are the only ones that work in here." I said.

"We make a lot of cannons, Naida's been obsessed with cannons since she was a tiny little thing." Sam said.

"And she was allowed to make them?" Eret asked.

"Make them? Yes, test them? Absolutely not." Sam replied.

"I could test them now though, right?" I asked.

Sam looked at me blankly for a second.

"No." Sam said.

"Oh." I said.

"Can I steal you away for a minute? I need to talk to you about something." Eret said.

"Sure, I'll see you later Sam." I said. "Try not to blow stuff up while I'm gone."

"You're the only one that blows stuff up." Sam said with a chuckle.

I stuck my tongue out at Sam before grabbing Eret's hand and leading him out of the workshop.

"So, what is you need?" I asked.

"It's about what happened during hide and seek. We need to be away from the castle though, so I know no-one else will hear." Eret said.

Whatever he had to tell me must be really bad or really private. He seemed serious though so I'll take him away from here.

"My dad said im not allowed to leave but if its important we could go to the beach. No-one ever goes there." I offered.

"That sounds perfect." Eret said, glancing around cautiously.

The whole walk from the castle was filled with Eret glancing around nervously as if he were afraid of being followed. When he thought he heard someone he freaked out so much that he made us both hide for ten minutes before we could continue our walk.

When we arrived at the beach Eret had to look around the whole cove before he'd sit down with me. Whatever he was going to tell me was something he was paranoid about.

"This place is beautiful isn't it? This is where my dad found me as a baby, I was in a basket floating just over there." I said as I pointed further along the beach. "That's where my name comes from, you know, since Naida means water nymph and I was found in the water."

Eret smiled weakly and nodded.

"Now are you going to tell me what's going on? You've been acting strange." I said.

"I'm sure I've already told you how terrible my father is. I hate him so much I ware sunglasses to hide the one identifyable physically trait I got from him. While he's proud that his eyes scare people I don't want people to be afraid of me. I had grown up believing it was the eyes that made him evil and that I'd be evil too because I inherited them but then I met your dad. His eyes are the same as mine and yet he is one of the nicest people you could ever meet, he's loved. I want to be like that when I become king." Eret said wistfully as he took off his glasses.

I glanced at his face curiously to see what he was talking about, I had never seen his eyes before. He had the most Beautiful glowing white eyes I had ever seen.

"I've really been trying to put off telling you this because I know you'll hate me afterwards but your life is in danger now. I'd rather you be alive and hate me than you having died believing all of the lies. Just know that I don't want this to happen, I might have been given these orders and I might have tried at first but I care too much about you and this kingdom to follow through." Eret said. "God I'm a terrible person. I'm so sorry."

I placed a hand on his cheek and turned his face to look at me.

"You're not a terrible person Eret and I won't hate you, just tell me what's wrong." I said.

Eret let out a sigh and leaned into my hand. I could see a look of guilt on his face.

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