Beachfront confessions

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Naida's pov

"My father sent us here under the guise of a peace agreement, said he was uncomfortable with the amount of soldiers and weapons you had. That was just a cover for my Father's takeover plan. He sent us here to assassinate you and your father. Once you two were dead he was going to stage a hostile takeover of the whole kingdom. That would give him more land, more people and more power. He intends to take over all the kingdoms nearby here and then kick out all the none humans and from there take over the nether and the end." Eret explained, never once making eye contact with me. "When you almost got hit by an arrow during the castle tour it was because we had planned that to happen. The only reason I asked for a castle tour was so that I could look at guard stations and possible assassination locations. It also gave Daniel and Nathaniel a chance to snoop. When you found me in the library I was researching ways to kill King Bad. The chandelier only fell because Daniel tampered with it. Nathaniel was the one that stabbed King Bad at the festival, he paid someone to run around in a cloak so that he wouldn't get caught. They were going to kill you if they found us during the game of hide and seek."

Eret began crying, his hot tears slipping down his face and oncoming the hand that held his cheek.

I froze for a second, that's why Sam had been acting the way he had. That was why Eret and his guards had been awkward. Everything just made sense. I should have mad or scared or upset by the news but for some reason i wasn't, atleast I wasn't feeling any of those things towards Eret.

I moved my hand from Eret's cheek and instead pulled him into a hug. He buried his head in my shoulder, soaking the fabric of my shirt in his tears.

"I'm so sorry." Eret's muffled voice came.

"It's okay." I said as I rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"It's not okay! I'm a monster! I was gonna kill you just because I was told to." Eret argued.

I pulled away fromnEret and then took his face into my hands, making him look me in the eyes.

"You're not a monster Eret, you were never going to kill me. Over the months you've been here we have been completely alone together, no-one even knowing where we were or if we were together and never once did you make a move to hurt me. Even now, we're not supposed to be out here, no-one knows we're out here and there's no-one around for ages and yet I'm still alive. If you were really going to follow through, if you really intended to kill me, you would have done it already." I said. "You are no monster, you are a kind hearted, sympathetic, amazing person."

I then leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to Eret's forehead.

"And I love you for it." I said smiling at him, my cheekstinting red.

Eret froze, his body going rigid. His eyes went wide and he looked at me in complete shock. It was as if he had never heard anyone say those words or if he had they had never been directed towards him.

"You what?" He asked slowly.

"I love you." I repeated.

Eret seemed to understand now what I had said. He leaned forwards and cupped my face in his hands, pressing his lips to mine gently. He was so gentle, like he was afraid that any strength to his actions or any sudden movements could kill me. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead on mine, tears were still slipping from his eyes.

"I love you too." Eret said, his voice so quiet that it was almost washed away by the sound of the ocean.

We sat there in silence on the beachfront, our foreheads pressed together, looking into eachothers eyes and my face cupped in his hands for a few minutes.

I honestly didn't want to leave. Going back home ment having to deal with Nathaniel and Daniel, it ment being afraid. Leaving this moment for the castle was like leaving the garden of Eden for a war torn World of chaos. This little cove in this moment was It's own little world a thousand years away from everything else. Here felt like it's own form of heaven.

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