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Naida's pov

After Nachos and cotton candy and far too much pinaple juice for two people we had went off to dance. Twirling around with all the random people that were here just to celebrate and have a good time.

"Good evening princess, it's an honor to be dancing with you." A half chicken Man said as he spun me around.

"It's an honor to dance with you too!" I said.

The man grined as the two of us spun around together. As we spun I spotted Eret dancing with a girl a bit behind us. His posture was stiff and I could tell he had went into Prince mode again.

There was a sudden sound of shrieking and I was grabbed from the man's arms and pulled into someone's chest. I could feel the cold of metal against my skin and a trident came to cover across the front of my body. I looked up and came face to face with Sam.

"What's going on!?" Eret asked as he appeared beside us.

"Prince Eret! Are you alright?!" Daniel exclaimed as he came running out from the crowds of panicking people.

"I am, what's happening?" Eret asked.

"I think there's been an attempt made on the King's life." Daniel replied as he drew his sword and stood infront of Eret.

Sam let out a sigh of relief but still kept me close to him.

"You seem relieved, as a guard shouldn't you be worried?" Eret asked.

"There's an attempt at Bad's life at least once a year. It's impossible to kill Bad, he's an immortal so I'm not too worried. My job is to protect Naida, as long as she's alright I don't need to concern myself with anything else. At the end of the day bad would rather he get hurt than her." Sam said.

I spotted someone pushing through the crowds of people out of the corner of my eye. They were dressed in a black cloak to hide their features and were moving as fast as possible away from the screaming people.

"Sam, can we go to my dad now? I want to make sure he's okay." I said.

"No, we're not moving from here until the crowds clear. I don't know who might be carrying a weapon." Sam said.

I didn't like it but there really wasn't anything I could do about it. Even though my Dad was immortal he still felt pain. He was probably in agony right now.

I stood with Sam, Eret and Daniel waiting for the crowds to clear or my father to come and find us. 20 minutes of waiting went by before the crowd parted for my Father to get to us. He was clutching his side and leaning on Skeppy and Nathaniel. Ant was following close behind them on his cruches.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed, pushing past Sam to get to him.

I hugged him tightly, black ink like liquid seeping out over both of us. My Dad's blood was staining everything it touched, my clothes, my dad's clothes, the ground, everything was turning an inky black.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine muffin, I'm fine." Dad replied, I could tell he was trying to cover how much pain he was actually in.

"Lets head back up to the castle and get that treated. It's not safe for Naida to be out here anymore either." Sam said.

Everyone parted for us to make the walk back to the Palace. A few people expressing their concern for my Dad.

"I'm assuming there's going to be a security boost when we get back." Daniel said. "The ball is off too I'd imagine."

"Of course not muffinhead! I'll be fine by the time the ball comes around tomorrow. There will be few new guards around though for Naida and Prince Eret's sake." Dad said.

"Are you sure? Isn't that dangerous after someone has made an attempt to take your life?" Eret asked.

"I'll be fine, I can't die so it really isn't an issue for me. I'm only worried about both of you." Dad said.

"But it still hurts you Daddy, just because it can't kill you doesn't me you have to be reckless." I said.

"I'm sorry muffin, I'm not trying to upset you." Dad said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Lets all just go and get some sleep, it's been a long day."

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