Castle tour

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Naida's pov

I got up at 11 am and made my way downstairs still in my pajamas, my blonde hair all over the place. When I got to the dining hall I had to stop myself from laughing. Prince Eret and his guards were fully dressed and sat at the table waiting for everyone else to finish eating so that they could leave. Ant was sat on the dining table eating a fish without cutlery and wearing everything but his golden chest plate and shoes. Skeppy was stood next to Ant, leaning back against the table and holding his plate of pancakes in one hand. Just like me Skeppy was yet to get dressed in proper clothes. Dad was trying to be polite by sitting in his usual seat to eat and making an effort to have a conversation with the people at the table. There were a few members of Palace staff sat at the table just casually chatting away with my dad as they did every morning. The seats to my dad's left had been left unoccupied for Sam and I.

"Good morning everyone!" I called happily.

"Good morning Naida!" A member of staff called back.

"First to fall last to rise, you could sleep through an earthquake." Another member of staff joked.

"What can I say, sleep is a treasure." I said earning a few laughs.

"Ant, get off the table!" Dad scolded, having just noticed where the cat boy had perched.

"Yeah Ant, off the table." I said as I jumped up to sit on the table.

Skeppy noticed and copied my actions to sit on the table.

"Yeah Ant, no manners at all." Skeppy said.

"I hate you all." Ant said as he hopped off the table.

"Picking on Ant again?" Sam asked as he entered the room, fully dressed and weapon in hand.

"They always are Sam, how'd you sleep?" A member of staff asked.

"I slept fine thank you, Naida, is that my shirt?" Sam replied, eyeing my outfit.

"Maybe." I said.

"Bad your kid keeps stealing our clothes." Skeppy complained.

"I'll get you locks for your wardrobes but there's no getting them back, I've tried." Dad said. "Now get off the table you muffinheads."

Skeppy and I did what we were told and slid off the table and went to our seats. I was given a plate of pancakes and then jumped straight into eating, ignoring whatever comments people might make.

"Naida, what do you say?" Sam asked, tuning me into the conversation.

I held up a hand to signal that I needed a second to swallow before looking up at them.

"What?" I asked making Dad laugh.

"How would you feel about giving Prince Eret a tour around the castle?" Dad asked.

"Sounds good, I'll need to get dressed first." I said.

"Would you like me to provide you with more shirts?" Sam asked.

"I'm trying to think how many shirts I already have. I have 3 of Ant's, 2 of Skeppy's, 6 of yours and 1 of Dad's old jackets." I listed.

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