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Naida's pov

I lay there for a moment, trying to collect the world into something discernible. When I did finally pry my eyes open I was met with Ant lying on top of me, shards of glass across his back and blood dripping from his tail and legs. Just behind us was the grand chandelier lying on the obsidian floors, glass shattered everywhere and pieces of soul fire still burning away on the ground.

A large crowd of people had formed around us, the most notable was Eret's guards who seemed to have pushed their way to the front to see if we were alright.

"Naida, are you okay? You didn't get hit by any of the glass or anything?" Ant asked in concern as he began checking over my face.

"Im fine Ant, I'm more worried about you. You're bleeding." I said.

"Someone help us get the chandelier off of them!" Eret exclaimed as he came rushing down the stairs to help.

Eret's guards immediately sprung into action at Eret's words. The three off them grabbed a bit of the chandelier and began trying to move it. A few other people joined them, allowing the chandelier to be removed from Ant's tail and leg.

Once the chandelier had been moved back a bit Ant rolled off for me. Eret helped me to my feet and Eret's guards pulled Ant up, wrapping his arms over their shoulders to support his weight. I heard Ant hiss as he tried to take a step.

"The infirmary is a bit far, it'd be easier to take him to th throne room for now." I said. "I'll go get my Dad to come and carry him so that he doesn't hurt himself more."

"Of course, do you want me to come with you?" Eret asked.

"No, stay with Ant and make sure he's okay." I said.

Eret nodded before I took off running to find my Dad. I burst into just about every room on the bottom floor before I finally found him in the meeting room with Sam and Skeppy.

"Hey there muffin, what's with the dress? You never dress up like that unless it's a party." Dad asked.

"Are you alright? You look like you're going to pass out." Sam said.

"Ant's hurt!" I panted out.

"What happened?" Skeppy asked.

"The chandelier by the main staircase fell while I was standing there and Ant tackled me out of the way. The chandelier caught his tail and his legs and he's bleeding and can't walk. He's in the throne room." I explained.

Sam went pale, he looked ill. I suppose that was because the first time he wasn't waiting nearby something life threatening happened. He probably felt awful that Ant had done his job.

"Why are we standing around here then!? We need to take care of Ant." Skeppy said.

"We'll finish this later, let's make sure Ant is alright." Dad said.

We all began making the treck back to the throne room. On our way there we had to walk past the fallen Chandelier.

"Everyone leave the chandelier alone for now, I'll clean it all up later so no-one gets hurt." Dad said to the staff as we walked by.

When we got into the throne room we saw Ant sitting on my father's throne, his tail cradled on his lap and his head leaning back against the throne. Eret was holding a piece of fabric, pressing it into Ant's bleeding leg. Erets guards were just stood there waiting and watching.

"Ant, how are you feeling?" Dad asked as we approached them.

"Like shit." Ant replied.

My dad, who would normally shout at you for swearing didn't say a word about his comment.

"I'm so sorry Ant, this should have been me. Its my job to keep Naida safe and yet I wasn't there when she needed me to be." Sam said.

"It's fine Sam, you might be her second dad but I'm her big brother. I need to protect her as much as you do." Ant said.

"Thank you prince Eret but we'll take it from here." Skeppy said.

My Dad then knelt down and picked Ant up like a bride, one arm under his knees and the other on his back.

"We'll get the doors for you." Skeppy said.

"Come on Naida, I want to get you checked over too." Sam said.

"I'm fine Sam." I said.

"Please." Sam said.

"Fine, if it makes you feel better." I said.

"It does." Sam said.

With that being said I followed after my dad with Sam right beside me. A trip to the infirmary being exactly what was called for.

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