Assassination diary

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Naida's pov

1 hour with Eret wasn't enough. It was my motivation to find the proof of Eret's innocents. We were going through Eret, Daniel and Nathaniel's rooms trying to find evidence. I was in Daniel's room going through his stuff with Skeppy.

"Why the heck did this man have so many news articles?" Skeppy asked.

"Do they have anything in common? Maybe they had to do with his personal life. We're not looking for his personal stuff though, we just need proof that Eret's innocent." I said.

"The man tried to kill you and you still respect his privacy. You are too much like Bad, you're too nice." Skeppy said.

"I just respect the dead. He's not here to defend his privacy." I said.

We spent two hours looking through his room for anything that might have related to the assassination attempt. They had been really careful with keeping all of their plans hidden.

"I found a book." I said as I noticed a small leather bound book on the floor under the bed.

"Anything good?" Skeppy asked.

I flipped it open to a random page. It was covered in neat loopy writing, a date in the top corner and times in the margins beside the separated paragraphs. Skimming through it I realised it was a journal, notes on where I was at what times and what I did throught my day. Full analysis of the people I'd talk to and quotes of things I said relating to my father.

"It looks like we've got the assassin's diary." I said.

"Any mention of Eret in it?" Skeppy asked.

I flipped through it until I found a page with the type of information we needed.

"Prince Eret spent the whole day with the princess. He hasn't said where they went or what they were doing, he won't even discuss their conversations. I've seen how he looks at her, like she's the only girl in the world that matters, it's how I look at Anna. I have a feeling we've lost him to her and I honestly don't blame him, she doesn't seem like the demon we were promised she'd be. Still, orders are orders. We'll cross the bridge of Eret's betrayal when we get there." I read aloud.

"Sounds like that's what we're looking for. Maybe Ant and Red found something in Nathaniel's room too. The more evidence the better. " Skeppy said.

We spent another half an hour searching the room before we decided to call it a day. We went to the throne room to give my dad the book but when we got there we saw him sitting already looking through a couple of books.

"Dad! We found proof that Eret's innocent!" I said. "When can we get him out?"

"I need to look through all the evidence first muffin." Dad said.

"But it says right there that he's innocent. Why keep him in prison if you have proof he's innocent?" I asked.

"I need to make sure all of the evidence is real and that he deserves to be released." Dad said. "I promise that as soon as I've read through all of this I'll let him out."

"He's being more than reasonable Naida. I know you love him but Eret can survive another day or two in prison." Skeppy said.

I frowned but nodded. I guess he was right, Eret said he was fine and I knew my Dad would make sure he was comfortable. I just wanted him out. He didn't deserve to be in there.

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