Close call

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Naida's pov

We had finished in the ballroom and robbed sandwiches from the kitchens. I say robbed but they willingly gave them to us. We were now heading out to the training grounds which Prince Eret seemed fairly excited to see.

"The training grounds here are really only used by guards that stay in the castle. We have a whole separate training academy for our military forces." I explained. "I heard Quisling has a military school for young boys between the ages of 6 and 16. I've always found that strange. You're not allowed to join the military or royal guard here until you're 21 unless you're special circumstances then it's 18."

"That sounds better than back home. Most of our military is young boys that didn't realise what they were getting into." Prince Eret said.

"Bad would never dream of making the military age any lower. Partly because he himself is a father and knows at what age kids are mature enough to make that decision." Sam said.

"Anyway, it's just through here." I said, opening the doors to the outside.

Prince Eret walked out first and then me.

"Look out!" Daniel called after I stepped out.

I froze when I noticed an arrow shooting towards me. I felt something by my head and then a gloved hand caught the arrow right before it could embed itself in my chest.

"You really should learn not to set up in the direction of the doors. You'll kill someone by accident if you keep that up." Sam said as he took the arrow away from me and stepped out from behind me.

Sam walked forwards towards Daniel and Daniel backed up a bit, his head snapped up to see Sam's face. Sam then just grabbed Daniel's hand, pressed the arrow into it and then came back over to stand by me.

"Are you okay princess?" Nathaniel asked.

"I'm fine, Sam got it just in time." I said. "Thank you Sam."

Sam nodded, he was now watching everyone on the training grounds like a hawk.

"I think I'm going to head inside now. You're free to wander around and explore the place and if you have any questions just come and find me." I said.

With that I turned to head inside, Sam following close behind me.

"Now what else is there to do today? Maybe Dad will let us automate the doors to the ballroom." I said.

"That would be good for his birthday party that's coming up." Sam said.

"Time to beg Dad for planning permission, Let's go!" I cheered before running off to find my Dad.

He was probably in his office, he was normally always in his office with Skeppy. If not then he'd be in the kitchen or the second library.

"Don't run Naida! It's harder to protect you if you keep running off." Sam called after me.

"Sorry!" I said as I stopped to wait for him.

"You two looking for Bad?" A staff member asked.

"Yeah, do you know where he is?" I replied.

"He's in the second library, you know what he's like with history books when he feels like reminiscing. He always does it on the run up to his birthday." They said.

"Thank you. You heard the woman Sam, to the second library!" I cheered.

Sam and I made the ten minute walk to the second library on the left side of the castle. When we got there Sam insisted on entering the room first just I case.

"Dad! Your favourite child is here!" I exclaimed making him laugh.

"My only child is here!" Dad cheered.

"I was technically correct, I'm your only child which means I'm also your favourite child." I said.

"That's true. Now what can I do for you muffin?" Dad asked.

"Can Sam and I pretty please make the doors into the ballroom automatic? I swear they'll be done in time for your birthday and it would make things so much easier for guests." I said.

Dad thought for a second before nodding.

"Only the ballroom doors though. You know how I feel about you two automating everything. Everyone gets lazy when you automate things." Dad said.

"Fine, one day, one day I will invent a solution for the hell spawn that is stairs and everyone will thank me. When that day comes this whole castle will start getting automated." I said.

"I don't know about that muffin, I've been using stairs for 2,000 years and I'll use them for 2,000 more." Dad said. "Just have fun with your automatic doors for now."

Dad ruffled my hair and sent me on my way. Sam and I then had to walk ten minutes back to get to the workshop for supplies. That was the only downside of living in a castle, it took hours to go from one end of the castle to the other if you don't cut through random rooms or sprint.

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