You what!?

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Naida's pov

We spent the whole day in bed. My dad reading me stories and playing with my hair. I'm sure he's happy he did that because now I was angry at him.

"You what!? Why!?" I yelled.

"Calm down Muffin." Dad said.

"Calm down!? If you don't fix this now I will start swearing!" I yelled.

"What's going on?" Skeppy asked groggily, rubbing his eyes as he entered the room.

"Ant arrested Eret and Dad is agreeing with it!" I exclaimed.

"Is that what all this yelling is about?" Skeepy asked.

"He's injured and wrongfully imprisoned!" I exclaimed.

"Muffin if you'd let me explain. Eret's injuries were all tended to and he understands why he's in there. I can't let him roam around knowing he was a part of a plot to kill you, even if he didn't follow through with it." Dad said. "He won't be mistreated Muffin, I promise."

"What will it take to get him out?" I asked.

"We have guards looking into it now Muffin. Once we can find evidence that he had no intention of hurting you he'll be free to go." Dad replied.

"I can prove he didn't have any intention of hurting me! He told me about them trying to assassinate me three days before it happened." I said.

"I'm sorry muffin, I can't do anything until I have more than just your word." Dad said.

"Can I see him at least? Please." I said.

"Of course muffin." Dad said. "Ant!"

Ant was quick to enter the room.

"Can you take her to see Eret?" Dad asked.

"Sure, come on Naida." Ant said as he offered me his arm.

I took his arm and allowed him to lead me out of the room.

"He's been asking about you all day." Ant said.

I nodded but I wasn't paying much attention. I just wanted to see Eret and make sure he was okay. The thought that he was locked up in a cold cell on his own just upset me.

Ant led me down a long staircase and into corridors made entirely of obsidian. There were iron bars that looked into cells lining the walls. We walked by loads of cells that were completely empty before finally stopping infront of one that had a figure huddled up in fluffy blankets.

"Eret?" I asked.

The second I called his voice the blankets were shrugged off and he was moving over to the bars.

"Naida!" Eret cheered, reaching through the bars to hug me.

"Are you okay? No-one's hurt you have they?" I asked.

"I'm fine, you guys are nice even when dealing with criminals. This jail cell is nicer than the staff bedrooms in Quisling and all my injuries were dealt with immediately." Eret said.

"That's good atleast. I'm gonna help get you out of here, I promise." I said.

"Take your time, atleast if I'm here I'm not having to go back to Quisling. I'll probably be flung back in a jail cell when I get there. I'd rather be in prison here." Eret said making me frown.

"You don't have to go back, we could go anywhere you want. There's L'Manburg or Somnium or here! We could go on adventures." I said.

Eret smiled softly and took my hand into his, intertwining our fingers.

"I like the we in that." Eret said.

"Bad won't like the we in that." Ant said, chuckling. "Now I'm not supposed to do this but I'll break the rules. I'll be back in an hour."

With that Ant opened the cell door to let me in.

"Thanks Ant." I said as I entered the cell.

"Just don't tell Bad." Ant said closing the door and locking it. "Don't have too much fun now."

Once Ant was gone I pulled Eret over to his bed and laid down with him, snuggling into his chest. He played with my hair while we lay there.

"How's Sam doing?" Eret asked.

"They're not sure yet. He's part creeper so his blood is full of sulphur which makes it harder to care for him. He's still struggling to breathe which is worrying." I replied.

"I'm sorry. What about Skeppy? Has he woken up yet?" Eret asked.

"Yeah, he slept all of yesterday and woke up late last night feeling ill. He's fine now though, I'm pretty sure he went back to bed this morning. He came into the throne room an hour ago yawning and rubbing his eyes." I said.

"At least he's doing okay." Eret said. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from getting drugged. They didn't tell me they were going to do that, I barely convinced them to tell me when they planned to attack you. I guess I lost their trust when I stopped telling them where we were going to be and what you were telling me."

"Did you know in a way you've lived up to your Kingdom's name and founding. I did some research into it when you arrived because i didn't want to offend you. Quisling is a form of traitor and the kingdom was founded by one of you ancestors that betrayed his friends for the sake of gaining power." I said. "You betrayed your guards for the sake of morals rather than power but its pretty much the same."

"No, I betrayed my kingdom for love. I love you." Eret said.

"I love you too." I said.

"When I get out of here the first thing I'm going to do is take you out, not in the way they wanted to though." Eret said.

"You'll be out of here by the end of the week. I'll do everything to make sure of that." I said.

Eret smiled gently before pressing a kiss to my forehead. This week was going to be strange, I had spent 2 months with Eret beside me everywhere I went and now he was imprisoned. It was similar with Sam, I had spent most of my life with Sam always by my side and now he was I the infirmary fighting for his life.

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