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Naida's pov

I desperately tried to stop the bleeding as I the sounds of Eret fighting began to slow down. I had removed Sam's shirt and was using one of the sleeves to apply preasure to him.

"Are you okay?" Eret asked as he knelt down beside us, taking the sleve from me to apply preasure.

I looked at him confused before looking around the rest of the room. Daniel and Nathaniel were sprawled out on the ground, their own swords sticking out their chests and blood pooled across the ground.

Eret placed a hand on my cheek and turned my face away from the bodies.

"Don't look at that Naida, they can't hurt you anymore." Eret said.

"What the hell happened here!?" Ant exclaimed as he entered the ballroom.

Ant who had only recently got off his cruches rushed over to us to try and help us stop the bleeding.

"We should go get help." Eret said.

"Bad will be here soon, there's no way he doesn't smell all this blood." Ant said. "His demon senses will be going a million miles a minute right now."

I nodded in agreement as I held Sam's hand, him squeazing it occasionally. I rubbed circles on the back of his hand with my thumb to comfort him.

"I smell blood, what's happen- Sam!" Dad said, quickly making his way over to us.

My dad's eyes scanned over the scene, stopping on the corpses just in the middle of the room as well as the gash on my arm. He knelt down and carefully scooped Sam up in his arms, sulphuric blood soaking his clothes as he touched Sam.

"How the heck did Skeppy sleep through all of this?" Ant asked.

"He was drugged, he wont wake up for a while." Eret replied.

"Naida, go with Bad to get medical attention. I'm going to deal with this right now." Ant said.

"Come on Eret, let's get you patched up too." I said I reached over to grab his hand.

Eret went to come with me but was stopped by Ant putting an arm out.

"I need to talk to you first." Ant said to Eret.

"I'll come get you once we're done Naida, take care of your arm for now." Eret said.

I frowned and let go of his hand before following my Dad out of the ballroom. The walk to infirmary was quiet, it was still dark out and most people were still in their beds. The second we crossed the doorway into the infirmary everything changed, the whole place was already aware of what was going on, everyone was rushing around getting stuff ready for us.

I was swept away by an elderly woman and forced into a bed.

"You relax now dearie, you're shaking like a leaf. I'll get you fixed up in no time, don't you worry." She said.

She thrust a bottle of pink liquid into my hands and grabbed some gauze for my arm. I drank what she gave me without complaint and hissed as she cleaned out my wound. She wrapped my arm tightly before pulling a curtain around my bed.

"Now get some rest princess. You look like you could use it." She said before leaving me alone.

I lay in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Had that really just happened? Had they really tried to kill me? Had Sam really been gravely injured? Had Eret really killed his own guards? I really just wanted it to all be a bad dream. I wanted to talk to Eret and hug Sam and just have a great big family sleepover. This was the most traumatic experience I had ever had.

I slept terribly, the image of Sam being slashed and Nathaniel and Daniel's corpses haunted my dreams. When I woke up I was wrapped in my Dad's arms, he must have came in at some point while I was out.

"Good morning muffin, how are you feeling?" Dad asked, stroking my hair.

"My arm hurts and I'm worried about Sam and I want Eret." I replied. "Other than that I'm okay."

"I'm sorry this happened muffin, none of this ever should have happened." Dad said.

"Can we just stay in bed today? I don't want to deal with this today." I said.

"Of course muffin. Whatever you want." Dad said before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

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