Chapter 16

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Hiccup's Narration 3 Years Later

Life here is amazing. Dragons used to be a bit of a problem but that was five years ago and now they've all moved in. Thanks to me. And with Vikings on the back of dragons, the world got a whole lot bigger.

Astrid's POV

Snotlout crashed into Fishlegs making Meatlug drop the sheep. Snotlout snatched it up and flew over to Ruffnut.

"Here you go babe!" He tossed her the sheep.

Ruffnut grunted in disgust but took the sheep anyway. "Come on Barf it's starting to stink around here." Barf, one head of the Hideous Zippleback started shooting gas out of his mouth.

Tuffnut smiled as they flew next to Snotlout, "Nope still hates you. Let's blown this place Belch!" The other head of the dragon sparked the gas and BOOM. Explosion all around Snotlout.

I flew next to Snotlout and bonked him on the head. "What are you doing Snotlout? They're going to win now!"

"Whatever she wants she gets!" He shouted.

"Ruffnut? Didn't she try and burry you alive?!" I asked shockingly.

"Yeah! For like a few hours!" He scoffed.

The twins tossed their sheep into their basket. The chief cheered.

As I flew by I heard him announce, "That's 9 for the twins! Astrid lies with 3! Snotlout and Fishlegs trailing with zero! And Hiccup is nowhere to be found..." He trailed off.

I stopped listening after that because a few minutes later the horn blew indicating the black sheep.

"The black sheep!" I cried. "Come on Stormfly! We have a race to win!"

The sheep was launched into the air and we sped up, Stormfly stretching out her claws. ZOOM! Meatlug flew by snatching the sheep away. I grunted in frustration and the crowd went wild. Fishlegs tossed the sheep to Ruffnut.

"You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?!" I asked Snotlout flying next to him again.

"She's our princess!" He exclaimed.

Ruffnut cheered, "Yay! Now I can finally win!"

Tuffnut shook his head, "You forgot something! We're attached genius!" He grabbed the sheep and tugged. "Gimme the sheep!"

"No it's mine!" She argued.

I saw my chance. I flew behind them surfing style. I jumped onto their dragon and walked carefully towards the black sheep as Stormfly flew underneath ready to catch me. I walked along Belch's neck, did a cartwheel and snatched the sheep right from the two of them landing on Stormfly with ease. The crowd went wild and I chuckled.

I was about to toss the sheep into my basket when Fishlegs crashed into me. Stormfly righted herself only to see Snotlout coming at us with a hammer.

"Stormfly!" I shouted urgently.

She squaked nervously but ducked. She ducked so fast we spun out of control as Snotlout hit Fishlegs. You could hear the oooh from the crowd. We pulled up last minute and dumped the sheep in my basket.

Stoick cheers, "Astrid takes the game!"

I flew around the arena giving people high fives.

Hiccup's POV

Toothless and I were flying over the ocean so fast we parted waves as we whizzed by. We flew underneath a Thunderdrum's wing and spun around another. We then flew up into the sky, Toothless beating his wings and stuck his tongue out. We appeared in the clouds and I stretched out my arms feeling the wind and the clouds. Flying was amazing. I patted Toothless's head, what do you say bud? Want to try it one more time?

You're crazy, you know that?

It'll be fiiiiine.

I leapt off the saddle diving towards the ocean. Toothless dove next to me, wings folded showing me his gummy smile. When the clouds parted and I saw the ocean I put my hands through the loops in my suit and pulled. Flaps opened up letting me glide across the sky. I pressed the button on the left side of my rib cage opening the dorsal fin. Toothless pulled up as well and flew underneath me. He shot plasma blasts to keep me in the air. WOOHOO THIS IS AMAZING! I cheered.

Suddenly a rock pillar appeared out of the clouds. Oh no! Not amazing! Toothless! He shot a plasma blast at the pillar and he wrapped me in his wings. We crashed and rolled onto an island. Oomph. I grunted and groaned until we came to a stop.

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