Chapter 18

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Hiccup's POV

We were flying towards the smoke that I noticed. I suspected it was the fort but it was a forest. Trees burnt to a crisp not a green thing in sight. The fort came into view after we cleared the dead forest. It was still covered in ice spikes.

"Hiccup what is this?" Astrid whispered.

"Just stay close." I ordered.

We flew around the fort and a bola was shot at us. I moved out of the way but Astrid wasn't so lucky. She fell off of Stormfly plummeting to the ocean. Toothless and I dove down catching Astrid. We landed in the center of the fort ready to break out Stormfly. I took out my fire sword and swung it around.

A man asked, "So you've come back for more haven't you?"

"What's he talking about Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"I may have been here last night destroying this fort." I admitted.

"You and your friend." The man added.

I looked at him, "Wait what?!"

"There was another person here last night! I assumed he or she was with you!" The man said.

I sheathed my flame sword, "There are other dragon riders?!"

"You mean you and your thieving friend from last night!" The man said. "You tell me!"

"Uh who are you?" I asked.

"Where are manners? I'm Eret-" He crouched low reaching a hand behind his back. "Son of Eret. The greatest dragon trapper to live."

"Well Eret son of Eret we'll be going. Now." I ordered.

He signaled his men but Toothless fired a plasma blast at an ice spike causing it to crash into the center of the destroyed fort. Astrid and I rushed forward and cut Stormfly loose. She jumped on and we flew away.

Eret shouted, "You will never hold on to those dragons! You hear me! Drago is coming for them all!"

We landed on Itchy Armpit before heading back to Berk. "Astrid I need you to go to Dad and tell him what happened."

"Aren't you coming?" She asked.

"No. I can't." I mumbled.

"Why not?" She wondered.

"I have to find out who this person is Astrid. This person saved Toothless and me last night. I need to know..." I trailed off.

She nodded and flew away towards Berk. Toothless and I took off to our old home to see what the deal was.

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