day thirty-four

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day thirty-four - birthday


Even though I had gotten out of the hospital 3 days ago, time still hadn't gotten back to me. I still didn't know what day it is was, and I hardly remembered the month, nonetheless the date. So I didn't really remember it was my birthday.

It kind of occured to me as I walked up the stairs. It didn't feel any different, being 17, but you get this feeling when it's your birthday. You just know.

I spent all of the morning with my family, and we did the cliche birthday thing families do. After we ate lunch, I had gotten a text from Cierra:


I was about to reply when another message came through:

cierra!!: and also luke needs to give u his present

bff :D: did luke really buy me a present

cierra: no but if he knew it was ur bday he would have
cierra!!: so apparently hes giving u the gift of his love

bff :D: sounds like a luke thing to do
bff :D: and i hardly even know luke but THAT is luke

cierra!!: yeah hes a dork
cierra!!: he also told me he'll give u the gift of his hugs
cierra!!: bc he'll hug u when u come over bc surprise he'S at my fucking house again

bff :D: dude he is so whipped

cierra!!: shut up VICKY

cierra!!: but anyway come over when u can u lil flower princess bday girl

bff :D: be there in two!!!


When I got to Cierra's house I let myself in, because I didn't feel like knocking and I knew Cierra wouldn't care anyway. It didn't seem like anyone was in the house except Luke and Cierra, who were (sort of) yelling at each other in the kitchen. (Really it was just them both being loud, because Cierra was upset and that also made Luke upset.)

"And then fucking Matt was there-"

"-If fucking Matt was there, why didn't you just leave?"

(Matt was Cierra's ex boyfriend, even though they only dated for roughly a week and Cierra didn't even consider him an ex boyfriend anymore. She really hated him, but she could never get away from him because he was part of her friend group, and all her friends were friends with him.)

"Because Emma wanted me to stay and I kinda did wanna hang out with her, so, yeah."

"You shoulda left, C. Seriously, like, doesn't he still try to like make moves on you and shit?"

"Kinda. Like he'll always hang around me and he'll put his arm around me and stuff and-" Pause. "God, I really hate him."

I had just walked into the kitchen when Luke grinned at Cierra and said, "One day, I'm gonna punch fucking Matt in the face."

"Not if I do first." Cierra looked to me and smiled wide, hugging me. "Happy birthday! I love love love you." She broke apart from me and handed me the happy birthday balloon that had floated to the top of the ceiling.

"Happy birthday!" Luke said, smiling at me (Smiling. He was always smiling. His cheeks must have hurt so bad) and also giving me a hug. "I just met you yesterday but you're easily like my second best friend."

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