day six

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day six - new boy


I didn't have a seizure if that's what you heard because apparently that's what everyone here thinks. I'll explain later, hard to do in a letter. Anyway, there's a new boy I have yet to meet. Exciting. I'll keep you updated. I love you Cierra, I'll be home soon.
- Vickybear
P.S. That's what Calum calls me, do you like it? Shit, you don't know who Calum is. Guess that will have to come later.

"His name is Michael," Steph whispered to me as we walked to group. I nodded slightly, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "I haven't really talked to him but he seems cool, cool for being in a mental hospital, at least." I was exciting to meet the boy, truly, but I was also excited for a different reason. I wasn't going to be the "new kid" at the hospital anymore. For the past five days, that's what I felt I was. It was like being the new kid at school, where you knew no one and you were just thrown into a group of people that you didn't know, and you were expected to try to make friends, or fit in at least. Maybe it wasn't the same at the hospital; you weren't expected to make friends, were you? Or maybe you were. It was a mystery within itself.

I thought about the new boy Michael the whole walk to group therapy. I wondered if I would try to figure him out too, like everyone else here. I also pondered over what he would be like. An asshole, like Jimmy? Or sweetheart, like Calum? But Calum also had this side to him that made him seem almost bad-boy like; even though in the back of my mind I knew he wasn't. But then again, maybe he was. I had only known the boy for five days, and there was still alot of things I didn't know about him. Maybe some things I wouldn't be able to figure out.

I walked into group and immediately looked around for this so-called Michael, spotting his quickly, and it was pretty easy, if we're being honest.

He sat slouched back in the uncomfortable seats we were forced to sit in, his fingers tapping away on his thighs. He wore a simple black shirt that looked like he had cut the sleeves off; and he wore a pair of black jeans, too. I had to say that I liked his hair the most, though. It was pure white, with a black stripe down the middle. I thought Jimmy was joking when he said it was "like a skunk but backwards" but this kid doesn't joke around. I hadn't realized I was staring at him until he nodded at me, and smiled. It was small and almost not noticeable, but I took in details like that pretty easily. His smile made me want to fix my hair, so I ran a hand through it. Then reminded myself that I was in a hospital and I couldn't make myself look any better than I already did. Which was pretty horrible, if I do say so myself. But something about this boy made me want to make myself look somewhat presentable - I'm not sure what, but there was something.

I sat in my normal seat next to Calum, my leg jittering slightly. It was scary to be back in group - I had missed almost everything yesterday because of my meltdown. No one really knew exactly what happened other than Calum and Steph, but turned out people like to make up what happened to me.

The most common rumor, Steph had said, was that I had a seizure. I'm not even sure who made that one up but it was so ridiculous that I almost laughed. Another rumor was that Steph had tried to murder me, which Steph and I both laughed at. The kids at the mental hospital, they have quite the imagination.

Group began and we we forced to introduce ourselves again, since Michael was here.
"Vicky, sixteen, I believe punk rock is good for the soul. I'm here because I'm depressed, and because apparently I have seizures." At the last part, I smirked at the rest of the group and I could see most of them trying to hold in a laugh. Linda, the therapist, gave me a stern look since she doesn't like sarcasm in therapy.

I just shrugged and let the rest of the group talk, going over their names again. And then Michael started, and I sat up a little taller in my chair. "Michael, eighteen, I enjoy playing video games and sleeping. I'm not really sure why I'm here." he shrugged and slouched back in his seat again.

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