day twenty-eight

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day twenty-eight - news


Michael and Kat seemed to be okay again. Michael was happy and talking to her and Kat was the same way. I also noticed that Michael called her 'kitten' a lot, more than her called her Kat. It was cute; they were always cute. I was glad they both got their priorities straightened out, and I couldn't help but think maybe Calum and I should do the same thing.

But my worst habit was holding grudges, and Calum still didn't make any effort to apologize, and maybe it was better off that we were just friends. Of course, I didn't want it to be like that. But for the time being it was what we could make of it.

I was picking at my ugly chipped nail polish (black, the only color I ever painted my nails) that had someone managed to stay on my fingernails this whole time when someone called my name. I looked up and it was Kat, waving me over. I sighed because I really didn't know what was coming next, and I really hoped she didn't want to talk to me just to tell me to fuck off again.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, and I nodded, almost hesitantly. "Yeah," I replied, and she got up and followed her. She lead me just so we were straying a little away from the lunch table (the doctors didn't really like us leaving the table at all, but it wasn't like we hadn't broken thousands of rules before.)

Kat turned to face me, and said, "Thank you." I furrowed my eyebrows together because I had no idea why she was thanking me. I had stolen her boyfriend (boyfriend?) for, like, six days, and I had obviously made her. . . quite upset about it. She really had no reasons to thank me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, shoving my hands deep into the pocket of my jeans and awkwardly rocking back and forth on my heels.

"If you wouldn't have told Michael, I would probably be dead right now, and we wouldn't have fixed all our problems."

I sighed in relief, saying "Kat, it wasn't a problem at all. I'm just - I'm just glad you're okay. And you aren't mad at me."

She shrugged, brushing the hair out of her face. "Yeah, I was for awhile, but we figured everything out and we're okay now. Like, I guess we're back together? If we were even together at all." Kat blushed, looking towards her feet.

I grinned. "I noticed. I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks," She smiled, "and now you and Calum should do the same thing." She lightly bumps her hip with mine before walking (skipping) back to the table. I smile, a sort of sad smile, and mumble, "One can only hope" to no one in particular.


I was scheduled to see my doctor today, and surprisingly I liked him a bit better now than I did from the first meeting. He was okay; just trying to solve my problems. At times he was shitty at trying to solve them but I was also bad at telling him my problems, so it was technically both our faults.

He came in at around 1:20 and Steph left the room like she always did. (I never knew where they sent her; Steph usually talked to her doctor during classes so I was already out of the room anyway) I sat down on my bed and he sat down on the chair near the desk. This was normal. He never sat on the bed; I had taken a notice to this.

"Hi, Vicky, how are you?" Dr. Halverstine said, (after two weeks or so I had finally found the effort to learn his name) clutching his clipboard.

I shrugged, "Could be better."

"Why is that?"

He always asked questions. That was kind of what he was talking to me for: to ask questions.

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