day eight

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day eight - princess


Dear Cierra,
Mysteries, mysteries everywhere. Who would of thought? Me, doing detective work, in a mental institution? So strange of me, isn't it. And you always thought I hated Nancy Drew. Well, maybe, in fact, I am her.
P.S. You're my partner in crime.

The notes were interesting in a scary and beautiful way, I wanted to know who was writing them. In the back of my mind I knew it was Calum, but I didn't want to confront him about it, especially if it was about him, and he didn't want anyone cracking his secret codes.

Maybe it wasn't even him writing the notes; maybe someone else wanted to hold my hand. That made me shutter a bit since the only people I knew really well here were Calum and Steph, and I doubt Steph wanted to hold my hand.

Then again, I didn't know that much about her.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked suddenly, turning to face Steph who was laying in her bed on the other side of her room.

She put her book down, taking her reading glasses off and putting them on the nightstand.

"I suppose so," she replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure how one could  'suppose' they had a boyfriend.

"It's complicated and a very long story, but, yes, I suppose that I do have a boyfriend."

I didn't ask anymore, because I didn't want to intrude into her personal life or have her tell a girl she's known for eight days a complicated story about her love life. Secretly I did want to know though.

So that checks that off; Steph is not the note writer. I guess it was kind of stupid of me to think that she was; would she really take all that time to write a note in code about herself? She was a smart girl and all, but it didn't seem plausible.

Now the note writers who were left - Calum, Jimmy, Anne, Maura, and Mia. Michael, too, but he had been here for three days and that clearly wasn't enough time to write several notes in code about patients. Since I had never had a full conversation with Mia I immediately dropped that thought from my mind. Jimmy? Well, I hoped not, I grimaced at the thought of holding his hand. Maura - again, never talked to, at least, more than five words. That left Calum, still Jimmy even though I desperately didn't want to think that and Anne.

I chewed on my bottom lip, also erasing Anne from the list, she was fourteen, she seemed to frail and young to think of something such as writing things she liked and disliked about people in code. Unless she was very smart, of course, but I didn't think of her wanted to hold my hand, either.

Calum and Jimmy, those were my contenders.

The other factor about my note was the part of how i 'reminded the person of Is.' I wasn't postive who this 'Is' was, or even if it was a person, but I was determind to find out.

"Steph?" I said, as I looked over to her again. "Was there anyone here ever nicknamed Is? Like, short for Isabela, or something.."

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly, then chuckled, shaking her head.

"No, at least not when I was here. But I have never heard of any Is's or Isabela's here."

I chewed on the eraser of my pencil, a bad habit I never dropped, still wanting to know who this Is was.

"Has anyone ever talked about an Is? Ever?"

"Jeez, Vicky, you're full of questions today, aren't you? No, haven't heard any talk about any Is's, I'm sorry to say." And she went back to reading her novel, placing her glasses back on the bridge of her nose.

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