day thirteen

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day thirteen - ashton


Remember when I mentioned detective work? Well, I can officially say my first case is solved. And, by the way, I still can't send this letter, or the other one. Punishment is still in affect. Maybe I'll make Steph run them down to the front desk for me. Maybe.
- Vicky
P.S. I hope you're doing okay. I'm doing okay.

Even after the sudden discovery of Calum's note writing, everything still stayed abnormally the same; as it always was. There was never a day in the hospital that was normal. Everyday was a new surprise, a new mystery.

However, I did want to know more about utterly mysterious Is. Who she was, what she was like, how her and Calum met. I hoped the subject wasn't too much for Calum to handle; it seemed a little rusty when I mentioned Is to him before. I most certainly did not want to cross the line and make our friendship awkward.

I didn't have to face punishment today; I got to go to the normal routine, the same old, same old.

Breakfast was normal, - as normal as it gets, at least - I talked to Calum and we laughed and brushed legs under the table.

"Are you serious?" I trying to contain my laughter after Calum told me the very interesting and detailed story about the time he cried watching Finding Nemo.

"Yes, don't laugh at me! You're telling me you didn't cry?" he crossed his arms over his chest and fake-pouted, using that puppy dog face of his that made me want to slap him for being so cute.

"No!" I laughed even harder as the boy across from me stared sullenly at me, trying to get me to stop laughing at his misery. It didn't work since I had found the situation so funny - that was just me. I always found things that were somewhat funny way funnier than other people did, it was just me.

Calum just ended up laughing at me laughing, and we sat there forgetting that it was breakfast time and that we were supposed to be eating. We clutched our stomachs in pain of too much laughter; Calum and I were quite the lunatics.

We laughed until we couldn't laugh anymore, and it died down into a quiet chuckle once in awhile. I suddenly realized how quiet it was, it was almost as if it was just Calum and I there. It wasn't, though, the rest of the group has just stopped talking. And they were staring at us, and I knew exactly why.

We were the huggers. We broke the rules, and now we were different. That's how I thought of it, at the least, maybe Calum thought different.

The rest of the group just stared at us for a good two minutes before getting back to their normal conversations and completely forgetting about us.

Calum turned to me, a small smirk present on his face. It soon turned into a grin, a huge one.

"Quite the misfits, aren't we, Vicky?"


Steph was reading a book, like she always was. Her eyes skimming through the pages, concentrating on every little word. Her glasses slightly slipped off the bridge of her nose but she pushed them right back into place without any thought.

All of the sudden she slammed her book closed, quite loudly, and turned to face me. Her green eyes gleaming as if sunlight were hitting them, although the small window in the room let in no light or fresh air whatsoever.

She patted the bed, telling me to come sit next to her. Oh, I'm screwed, I thought. I figured she had found out to of her letters to Ashton had gone missing and I was the only one to blame.

I sat down, the bed creaking under my weight. Stephanie turned to face me, sitting crossed-legged on the bed.

"You like Calum, don't you?" was all she said, smiling.

I laughed so hard it almost came out as a scoff, but I covered my mouth quickly.

I didn't like Calum, not in the way Steph was thinking, at least. Honestly, it was hard not to like him in that way; the kid was irresitable, but I didn't like him that way, at least not yet.  I mean, everything he did and said was utterly perfect and I wondered why he hated himself. I sure didn't hate him, that's for sure.

"No, I don't," I said, still grinning a little bit. I thought it was funny someone thought I had feelings for Calum, even though it was hard for them not to think that. We had hugged and the whole pinky-squeezing scenario made it seem that way, too.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I want the truth," she said, propping her head up with her hand, "and only the truth."

"I'm not lying!" I laughed, throwing my hands up in the air as if to surrender.

"Whatever you say, Vicky," Steph shook her head, clucking her tongue; disagreeing with me.

"You can't like someone at a hospital, Steph." now it was my turn to cross my arms over my chest.

"Who says?" she fought back, sticking out her chest to try to seem bigger although she was the smallest fifteen year old girl I had ever met. Frail, and tiny, yet cute.

"I say!" I huffed, but we both knew that this was just playful fighting. Things like this happened all the time; they never met anything. One of those stupid fights between best friends that just end in laughter.

"Take it from someone who knows," she mumbled so quietly I thought I misheard her. I arched an eyebrow, wanting her to explain. She sighed, but told me.

"I...I fell in love, at a mental hospital; this one, to be exact."

I didn't say anything, truthfully I didn't know what to say. I just wanted her to continue on, I was interested.

"Ashton. Ashton was his name. He was beautiful. I remember seeing him on my first day here, and I was some sort of starstruck. And we talked and day by day I could feel myself falling in love with him. Love at a mental hospital, who would of thought? And one day we kissed and we got in huge trouble but we didn't care. Because I knew that he loved me too. And then he left and I haven't seen him since."

She saw there chewing on her bottom lip, looking up at the ceiling. She missed him, she really did. It was because she was in love with him and now she didn't have him anymore. She didn't know where he was or anything.

"Vicky, you have to promise me something."

I nodded, her eyes meeting mine. Steph looked down causing her hair to cascade around her slim face. She brushed it to the side quickly to look at me once again.

"You might not believe this now but it's true. You can't be an asshole like me and not send letters to Calum, when one of you leave; like I'm not sending them to Ashton. You know why? Because, that boy's going to fall in love with you Vicky, sooner or later. And he's not gonna ever stop. So you have to promise me, that you'll write to him so he knows you love him too, okay?"



u got a background on ashton and steph tho ~~~~

the last paragraph iM nOT okAAAYYY [ mcr reference o ]

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