day seventeen

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day seventeen - happiness


So much has happened in such little time. I can't even explain it all in a letter, because it would not make any sense whatsoever and it would be a really long ass letter. Come over to my house next time I can call my parents so I can talk to you instead of them. I really need to talk to you, C. Miss you.
- Vicky
P.S. Boys in mental hospitals are alot cuter than boys in real life. I don't know.

I woke up the day after our adventure, finally feeling awake. I had complained the day before that I had felt sick so they gave me medicine and let me sleep all day. I was just really tired and my head was clouded with thoughts of adventure and kissing boys who smelled like peppermint.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken," Steph said as soon as I opened an eye on the seventeenth day I was at the hospital. I made a noise between a scoff and a laugh, pulling my hair into a ponytail quickly.

"Hardly," I said, untangling myself from the blankets and getting out of bed.

"So, Vicky," she said, and I could feel a lecture coming on. "When we were having that nice chat about Calum the other night, you forgot to mention that you, um, like, kissed him?" She threw her t-shirt at me, taking me by surprise. Then I laughed, tossing it back at her.

"Well, I would of told you, but you were rambling on about being Spiderman and I don't even know what else-"

"Not the point, you should of told me!" She pouted, throwing her t-shirt at me again. I groaned and pelted it at the wall, not wanting her to throw it at me again.

"Fine, I kissed Calum. I'm telling you now. And - wait, who told you?" I stopped midsentence.
"Michael." Stephanie smirked, climbing over the bed to retrieve her t-shirt and actually put it on instead of using it as a weapon.

"Figures, the sneaky little bastard," I mumbled, slipping my feet into my Chucks. Steph just continued to send a smug smile in my direction.

"What?" I questioned, sending her a stern look.

Her smirk turned into a grin, as she fidgeted with her hands. "Nothing, it's just - you guys remind me of Ashton and I."

I smiled as well, picturing Steph and Ashton kissing against the rules in front of everyone.

"You guys are lucky, though, we got caught. But you should me thanking me since I am the one who planned the spy mission. The only reason you guys kissed was because of me! Hallelujah! Everyone praise Steph!"


Calum's face lightened up when he saw me walk into breakfast that morning, since I had been missing the day before. I smiled lazily at the boy, who signalled me over to sit across from him.

As I sat down in my normal seat, I noticed Kat had joined us. Usually she only sat with us at lunch, so it was a change. She was back to her normal self - or should I say, her un-normal self. She was using the same high-pitched voice that I was used to; Princess Kat. She sat next to Michael, no surpise there. She noticed my appearence and sent a wink in my direction, which I returned with a giggle.

Surprisingly enough, Jimmy moved from his seat to come and sit next to me. He greeted me with a grin which I tried to give back to him but I failed. I don't know why, I just couldn't do it.

"Hi, Vicky," He said, placing his tray down on the table.

"Hi," I said quietly, not really sure why he was talking to me. Sure, we had a conversation two nights before, but I didn't classify us a friends. Maybe he did. His talk had made me like him a bit better but I still wasn't sure how to feel about the kid.

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