day nineteen [part two]

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day nineteen [part two] - isabela



I inhaled a sharp breath, shutting my eyes. I took in all the information I had learned in less than thirty minutes. Michael killed someone. He killed a girl. That girl's name also happened to be Isabela. Isabela is the reason Calum is in the hospital. It was all too much to take in, it made my head hurt. I didn't want to be there in that moment, it was in all honesty the last place I wanted to be. I didn't want to know what happened after Michael spilled the news.

Michael was obviously upset that he had killed someone, but I don't think that fazed Calum whatsoever. His face was blank, still staring at the floor. His fists balled up; his jaw clenched. I wasn't even sure if he was upset - let's face it, he probably was - but I think it was more anger coming out than anything else. For God's sake, he had just found out that his friend killed his friend - girlfriend? All I knew was that Calum loved Isabela. Girlfriend, or not. And he couldn't get past the fact that Michael killed her, on purpose or not.

"Calum.." I started to say, so quiet I could barely hear myself. He didn't listen to me. I didn't think he would. I was just trying to calm him down; maybe if he heard my voice it would snap him out of his trance. Steph had told me that I was 'saving him more than I knew', so it didn't hurt to try to get him back down to Earth.

In less than a minute after Michael had announced who he had killed, Calum was up. He was up and across the room and no one was going to stop him. Not even Shay, the adult of the room. In no time Calum had grabbed Michael by the neck of his shirt and pinned him against the wall. The impact of his body slamming against the wall echoed across the room as more gasps and whispers were heard across the room.

"You fucking killed my girlfriend," Calum said through gritted teeth, his face red with anger. He shoved Michael harder against the wall as Michael tried to get him to stop. He was constantly whimpering, "Calum, Calum please stop, please listen to me." It was to no avail, Calum wasn't going to listen.

"She was all I had and you fucking killed her!" Calum screamed in agony, and I could barely stand to watch it. It was too much for me to bare. Watching Calum like that and watching the doctors rush over and try to pull him off Michael, it did something to me.

No matter how hard the doctors tried, they could not get Calum off Michael. Michael could not release himself from Calum's grasp, either. They were useless attempts.

"Calum. . . " Michael whispered again, his face frightened and his eyes red. He was scared, I could tell. Everyone was scared, no one had ever seen Calum this way before. The doctors were frantically trying to get us out of our seats so we didn't have to watch. But no matter how much we didn't want to see how this played out: we still did at the same time.

"I don't care what you fucking have to say, Michael," Calum spat, "You killed her, and maybe you're the homicidal one here but right now, I'm the one have the fucking homicidal thoughts, towards you."

And with that, Michael took a punch to the jaw.

I don't think it really registered in anyone's mind what happened at first. It took awhile, but after seeing Michael holding his jaw gingerly and Calum's fist in the air, it was pretty obviously. The whole room was silent, no one even dared to breathe.

Calum was no longer pinning Michael against the wall so he snuck away from him. A doctor whisked him away, so fast I almost didn't realize he left so suddenly. That left Calum alone, facing the wall. He paced back and forth for the few seconds, the anger still present in his face. He clenched his already hurt fist and swung at the wall, yelling something incoherant. The impact of his hand could be heard. He grunted as soon as his fist hit the wall, and I swear he probably made a dent.

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